Target: Rochester Chief of Police David M. Smith
Goal: Determine who is responsible for dog tied up in freezing cold with swollen face, neck and jaw.
A dog was found tied to a fence in the freezing cold. The dog’s face, neck, and jaw were all swollen. There were also lacerations and older injuries, pointing towards additional past abuse.
“There’s some swelling, some lacerations and older injuries that we can say there’s some signs of abuse, but we still have to figure out what caused that,” said Reno DiDomenico, vice president for humane law enforcement at Lollypop Farm.
This is the second time that authorities have been called out to this particular address for a case of animal abuse. Not too long ago, Sharod Campbell, who lived at the address, was arrested and charged with animal abuse in a different case. It is unknown if Campbell even still lives at the address and whether he is responsible for the current abuse. He is still awaiting trial on the past case of abuse.
“We kind of have to backtrack now and go backward and start to get some information on who was at the location, what parties were there,” DiDomenico said. “We don’t even know if Sharod Campbell still lives there.”
While the investigation continues, the dog will be housed at a rescue shelter. However, “at this point, the animal still belongs to whoever owned the dog at 21 Iroquois. So, at this point, the dog is not up for adoption yet and what we do is we hold that until the court determines ownership and custody of that dog,” explained the rescuer.
Dear Chief Smith,
A dog was found tied to a fence in the freezing cold. The dog’s face, neck, and jaw were all swollen. There were also lacerations and older injuries, pointing towards additional past abuse.
This is the second time that authorities have been called out to this particular address for a case of animal abuse. Not too long ago, Sharod Campbell, who lived at the address, was arrested and charged with animal abuse in a different case. It is unknown if Campbell even still lives at the address and whether he is responsible for the current abuse. He is still awaiting trial on the past case of abuse.
While the investigation continues, the dog will be housed at a rescue shelter. However, “at this point, the animal still belongs to whoever owned the dog at 21 Iroquois. So, at this point, the dog is not up for adoption yet and what we do is we hold that until the court determines ownership and custody of that dog,” explained the rescuer.
It is imperative that the police quickly determine who lives at this address and who is responsible for this abuse. Until then, the poor innocent dog risks being returned to their abuser.
[Your Name Here]
I’m sick of this shit..living beings abuse tortures and these fucking laws don’t protect them from DISPICABLE humans..when they do is a slap on the wrist..then we the public have to pay their medical.these morons go on to own more animals and repeat the abuse..this is the FUCKING USA..if you abuse and torture any living beings..you do hard times!
Damn right! Why is this country filled with scum!???
Agreed! This shit is horrendous and should never happen! Personally the abusers should suffer the same fate that these poor innocent animals have gone through!!! An eye for an eye!!! This is the only Justice that these POS abusers could possibly understand!!!
Agree 1000% Marian….This precious baby and countless
others have suffered so much because of monsters that shouldn’t be alive!!! There is no justice that could ever equate to what these innocent beings have been put through but an eye for an eye is a good start. If any monster abuses an animal or child they should be put to death.
My thoughts exactly. Animal abuse and neglect is rampant. The only positive thing is that social media and the prevalence of cameras everywhere helps to bring more of these cases to light. It makes me so sick and sad to think of how these poor animals suffer and no one does a thing to help them. Animals being considered property is bulls**t. Even when the abuse is clear they are left until a case can be built or the owner is given time to correct the problem. So they continue to suffer or die. Family, friends and neighbors need to start speaking up more and not ignoring this, the authorities need to have tougher laws and people in general need to wake the f**k up.
edit: I witnessed a case of abuse and when I did speak up my neighbors asked me why I did it and wasn’t I scared of retaliation? That thought did not enter my mind. It took 2 times of me reporting it before the police did anything. Animal control did not do anything when I called them. They checked and said all was well and the dog was fine or that he corrected the problem. A week later I called the police since he was doing the same thing (tying the dog’s mouth shut because he barked all day and neighbors complained. He barked all day because he was a puppy and he was left out on the balcony all the time and ignored. It was a Jack Russell. The 2nd time I called, the dog had RCA cables wrapped around it’s muzzle to the point it could not even open it’s mouth to pant or drink water. I tried to climb up but could not access the balcony). When the police came I asked if they were going to do something this time and one of the officers said she would break the door down if he was not home. They took the dog and filed charges and he never got the dog back and was prohibited from owning pets for some period of time that I cannot recall. I don’t think there should be any limited period of time. If you abuse an animal, 1 strike, no more ever And if you are just going to put a dog outside and ignore it, why get it?? Also do your research on what type of dog suits your lifestyle so you don’t get a Hugh energy dog if you are a couch potato or a puppy if you don’t have time to train it.
Omg!!! poor pup has been “suffering horrribly” MUST SEVERELY PUNISH
My question is Is the dog being given veterinary treatment?
Since the dog was abandoned he should be treated as such. Don’t worry about the scum that did this. He’ll get his. Treat the dog.
Yes, I am wondering the same thing?? Hopefully this poor injured dog is being treated by a veterinarian and not just sitting in a cage in an animal pound on hold for some POS who clearly doesn’t deserve him!!!
Find this monster and lock them away and Never allow any animals to be owned or even around this heartless POS!!
Do not send this animal back to this place!
Please give this animal to a loving , safe , warm home with lots of love ❤️
Thank you
People who do this to pets/animals are poor excuse for human beings – JAIL them!
So damn sick of animal abuse! The owner needs to be taken to the North Pole and tied up and forgotten! There should be an automatic law where the owner loses ownership in cases of abuse. It shouldn’t even have to go to court a part from prosecuting the evil scum!!!
Omg!How the fk can this scum be not in jail!
The jails are full. This MFer needs exactly the same done to him. Chain the bastard up & leave out in the freezing cold with the hope he goes straight to hell!!!
Find the owner and fuck him!!!
Let us take the justice in OUR hands!! If this is the address let us find this pos and torture him or her…KILL HIM OR HER!! DEATH IS THE PUNISHMENT!! How disgusting!!! I am enraged!!!
Please, please revoke ownership of this innocent and tortured dog from the “owner”. Clearly an animal in this condition is not fit to be cared for, or come close to the monsters who are responsible. As far as the punishment for the monsters who treat animals like this, I believe it needs to match the crime. Thank you.
I strongly agree that this monster deserves prison time! That dog deserves a loving indoor home.
Why is this dog not put up for adoption to someone who will love it!!!!
Rochester Chief of Police David M. Smith: PLESE do not stop looking for the person responsible for the abuse of this innocent animal. PLEASE punish to the fullest extent the law will allow. Can you PLEASE let the media know when you find this person(s) and tell us what is being done?
Kill that monster!!
The Dump Sh** owner needs to be heavily fined for each ercurance!
Please do not give this dog back to its scumbag owner. It will be tied up and abused again! Please place this dog in a forever loving home. Also please lock up SCUMBAG LOWLIFE Sharod Campbell for a long time.
WTF is wrong with humans – OMG this poor dog tied up in freezing conditions – I agree with the comments written these f*ckers need to be treated in the same fashion. This abuse will never end when the consequences for the abuse mean nothing just a f*cking slap on the wrist. What the hell do they mean that this poor dog could end up going back to the abuser – f*ck what is wrong with this legal system. These people shouldn’t even be alive never mind thinking about sending the animals back to the abusers – Christ the lawmakers and upholders of the law are just as bad as the abusers. The system needs to change and the system needs to work for the animals not the f*cking losers that are abusing them. A bullet for the abusers would just make it so right. So make it right – just do it!!!
Why would you even consider giving this poor dog back to the monster that treated him this way?!!!!
This dog appears to have a broken jaw , he was kicked or stomped …I’ve seen this before ….the dog needs medical attention