Dog Tied Up in Freezing Temps With Swollen Face, Neck and Jaw Deserves Justice

Target: Rochester Chief of Police David M. Smith
Goal: Determine who is responsible for dog tied up in freezing cold with swollen face, neck and jaw.

A dog was found tied to a fence in the freezing cold. The dog’s face, neck, and jaw were all swollen. There were also lacerations and older injuries, pointing towards additional past abuse.

“There’s some swelling, some lacerations and older injuries that we can say there’s some signs of abuse, but we still have to figure out what caused that,” said Reno DiDomenico, vice president for humane law enforcement at Lollypop Farm.

This is the second time that authorities have been called out to this particular address for a case of animal abuse. Not too long ago, Sharod Campbell, who lived at the address, was arrested and charged with animal abuse in a different case. It is unknown if Campbell even still lives at the address and whether he is responsible for the current abuse. He is still awaiting trial on the past case of abuse.

“We kind of have to backtrack now and go backward and start to get some information on who was at the location, what parties were there,” DiDomenico said. “We don’t even know if Sharod Campbell still lives there.”

While the investigation continues, the dog will be housed at a rescue shelter. However, “at this point, the animal still belongs to whoever owned the dog at 21 Iroquois. So, at this point, the dog is not up for adoption yet and what we do is we hold that until the court determines ownership and custody of that dog,” explained the rescuer.


Dear Chief Smith,

A dog was found tied to a fence in the freezing cold. The dog’s face, neck, and jaw were all swollen. There were also lacerations and older injuries, pointing towards additional past abuse.

This is the second time that authorities have been called out to this particular address for a case of animal abuse. Not too long ago, Sharod Campbell, who lived at the address, was arrested and charged with animal abuse in a different case. It is unknown if Campbell even still lives at the address and whether he is responsible for the current abuse. He is still awaiting trial on the past case of abuse.

While the investigation continues, the dog will be housed at a rescue shelter. However, “at this point, the animal still belongs to whoever owned the dog at 21 Iroquois. So, at this point, the dog is not up for adoption yet and what we do is we hold that until the court determines ownership and custody of that dog,” explained the rescuer.

It is imperative that the police quickly determine who lives at this address and who is responsible for this abuse. Until then, the poor innocent dog risks being returned to their abuser.

[Your Name Here]


  1. Kristine Dynice-Gates says:

    ENOUGH….. until we treat animal abuse as a FELONY…… as IT SHOULD be ….. it won’t be TAKEN SERIOUSLY

    • Amen to that Kristine!

    • This is intentional torture to this poor animal and no excuse exists for this behavior. Being that this is not the first time abuse has been proven at this location, please prosecute to the fullest extend of the law.

    • This is horrible the owner of this dog should not be allowed to own any animal and this poor baby should not be returned to owner. Whomever did this deserves to be held accountable and not a slap on the wrist this is animal cruelty and abuse. They are obviously sick individuals and should be given the maximum sentence available. If they can do this to an innocent animal they can do this to a human.

    • Agreed! I’ve had enough of animals suffering with no repercussions! If this were a child, it would be taken more seriously. Animals cannot speak which is even worse, kids can! Make animal abuse a felony!!!

  2. That is a seriously disturbing picture, that poor animal is in total misery and freezing, to add insult to injury. Whoever owns this property needs to spend a year in prison and then be banned from animal contact for life. New York needs to start enforcing their animal abuse laws and to update them as well, this is just sickening and depraved to leave an animal in this condition.

    • New York has some of strongest animal abuse laws in the country. Stray cat that was put on fire in Brooklyn? RECORD SEVEN YEARS IN JAIL. And served all 7 years.

    • Not bragging here but i was part of the group of people who fought, and fight, for tougher animal abuse laws. 15 years and still fighting. Now trash cannot sell cats, dogs and rabbits in stores. Laws were passed. Not every single animal will get justice sadly.



  4. The only reason you need to determine who “owned” this poor dog is so that you can have the “owner” beat half to death. I’m sure you can find plenty of people to assist with this task. Anyone who was involved in this abuse needs the same treatment. Let the rescuers have the dog

  5. No, please DONOT RETURN this poor pup back to its abusive owner! He is a repeat animal abuser offender and he definitely does not deserve to keep another animal ever again! Please take stringent enforcement action immediately before he hurts another innocent dog again! Doggo deserves to be in loving family!

    • Totally agree!!!! DONT let this poor , helpless baby go back to abuser!!!!!!! That’s insane and ridiculous!!!!!!!! This dog NEEDS a loving and safe home!!!!!!!!! I really hope he will be ok !!!!!!!!!!

  6. OMG FFS Kill these EVIL BASTARDS!!!!
    Get them OUT of Society
    Poor Innocent Defenseless Animals

    • Julia Edinger says:


  7. I AGREE with everything that has already been said. I also 🙏🏽 that God heals his/her injuries and emotional well-being so that he/she can love and trust humans again and that a warm loving home will be found for him. May God cast due punishment on the EVIL MONSTERS who abused this beautiful dog.

  8. Hopefully they find this piece of shit, then beat him/her severly and leave him/her tied up in freezing temperatures. Nothing less will do!

  9. A second time cops went there?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!!!

  10. Karen Giammarco says:

    You have got to be kidding? Why on earth would you say or even think that this dog will go back to this fucking bastard? You were called there twice and with the condition this dog was in; and you assholes would let this fucking bastard take this dog back only to abuse it again. This dog will end of dead at the hands of this fucking bastard. I have a better idea; go there and kill this mother fucking human.

  11. Stop giving helpless animals back to their abusers. Plenty of good people will care for those babies. No excuses.

  12. So whoever is complicit in allowing this sweet dog to be returned to the same ahole torturers should be considered an accomplice and needs to be prosecuted for doing so.

  13. Under no circumstances should this poor dog ever be returned to his owner! He has proven he’s a heartless piece of crap and should never be allowed to own any other animals for the rest of his miserable life!!

  14. What is the condition of this animal now? Was his jaw broken what was the assessment after being place at the rescue? I want to know! Dam that is crazy that poor animal it is condition! Please let us know the animals condition!

  15. Find out what’s behind this and see that the owner is punished if it’s the owner who is abusing these animals. Hope the dog is OK but I would not want to see him go back to the original owner just to be on the safe side.

  16. This poor dog needs urgent veterinary care before being placed in a shelter… and the evil
    monsters who did this must be found and punished and never allowed to keep any animal ever again.

  17. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    I have to puke if this goddamn devil is allowed to continue tormenting these poor animals.
    find and eliminate.
    dissolve in acid………sorry
    i have an extreme anger inside me.

  18. Take this dog away from these people, immediately. I will take him or her the day that you do. Then prosecute this pos to the fullest extent of the law. How ANYONE can sleep at night in proximity to such undeserved suffering is completely beyond my capacity to comprehend. The physical cruelty is equal to the emotional cruelty these dogs suffer, as they blame themselves for the mistreatment.

  19. I am Sick of seeing Pitbulls tied up in these low end houses!! That area needs a ban on dogs!!
    The criminal needs to be tied up in the cold as punishment, seriously, to get it through their head.
    Felony!! Jail term!!
    Why wasn’t she banned for life from going near an animal, the first time??!!

  20. The animal laws are week and pathetic and the ones judges who don’t enforce maximum punishment must lose their seat. Only when the punishment gets intense will this abuse have a dent. This is disgusting

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