Dog Reportedly Found Dead in Woods With Paws Bound Deserves Justice

Target: Chief Crown Prosecutor Suzanne Kendall, Alberta Crown Prosecution Service
Goal: Seek maximum penalty against couple accused of binding dogs paws and dragging it into woods.

The decaying remains of a 3-year-old dog with his paws apparently bound was discovered in a park. Surveillance video appears to show a person dragging the bound animal across the ground and abandoning him in the woods.

According to police, 45-year-old Steven Kuzyk, and 43-year-old Sharon Vert have been arrested in relation to this incident. Both are accused of failing to provide adequate care to an animal, willfully causing pain and suffering to an animal and causing death to an animal.

“Residents had reportedly located the remains of a three-year-old medium-sized, male German Shepherd/Pitbull mix that had its paws bound,” police said. They added surveillance video gathered from the area “showed a suspect dragging the dog and leaving him in the park.”

According to a police investigator Sgt. Olena Fedorovich, “The condition of the animal when the officers found it led the officers to believe that [there was] something very, very suspicious about this.”


Dear Chief Crown Prosecutor Kendall,

The decaying remains of a 3-year-old dog with his paws bound was discovered in a park. Surveillance video appears to show a person dragging the bound animal across the ground and abandoning him in the woods.

According to police, 45-year-old Steven Kuzyk, and 43-year-old Sharon Vert have been arrested in relation to this incident. Both are accused of failing to provide adequate care to an animal, willfully causing pain and suffering to an animal and causing death to an animal.

“Residents had reportedly located the remains of a three-year-old medium-sized, male German Shepherd/Pitbull mix that had its paws bound,” police said. They added surveillance video gathered from the area “showed a suspect dragging the dog and leaving him in the park.”

According to a police investigator Sgt. Olena Fedorovich, “The condition of the animal when the officers found it led the officers to believe that [there was] something very, very suspicious about this.”

While Kuzyk and Vert have been charged with this crime, as is often the case with animal abuse cases, it is unclear whether they will face any meaningful consequences. Demand that the suspects face a stiff penalty if found guilty of abusing this innocent animal.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: PROPOLI87


  1. Michelle Stewart says:

    Those people deserve to be shot dead. Since that won’t happen, each person must serve 12 years in prison with no early parole, each pay a $500,000 fine, and each be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again. I hope they are killed while they’re in prison

    • Maureen Kelly says:

      AMEN! They should be bound and dragged across the pavement for several hours before being shot dead. People like these two scumbags do not deserve to live!!!!

  2. Given the video footage collected, I hope this will encourage time given to fully investigate this heinous crime.

  3. These 2 need to see the inside of a jail for a long time!!! That poor dog didn’t deserve to die that way his life meant something 😢. I hope the judge seems this and does the right thing…RIP POOR BOY.

  4. these beings deserve punishment, the cruelest punishment that the law can give them.

    They don’t deserve to breath air !!!!!!They should be punished to the fullest extent of the LAW !!!!!

    LAW ENFORCEMENT DO YOUR JOB !!!!!!!! This innocent dog deserves justice !!!!! These people MUST PAY for their cruelty !!

  5. Dogs are our unconditionally loving and loyal family members friends that deserve our unconditional love and loyalty in a safe and sound home with plenty of food and water to be nurtured and nourished!
    We all will die if animals die since we live with and off animals to survive animals have every right to live safe and sound just like us and how God wanted and willed them to without human unneeded horribly, inhumanely, and terribly killing, destroying, and murdering them all for the sake of greed of men who have no right doing this to innocent animals!
    They need to be starved bound and left in the woods to die!

  6. Anyone who would do this is a human monster and needs to be eliminated ASAP from the planet.

  7. Laura Rolder says:

    This abuse will hopefully end one day. The justice system needs to mske these POS evil monsters!! punishment much harsher they must serve longer prison sentences in some state 5 years is max that is nothing for murder of a innocent, helpless, voiceless animal. It needs to be death sentences for them just like they did. That is true justice. No more slap on the wrist and probation. The penalty needs to fit the crime. I’m tired of poor animals being abused, tortured and used by sub humans who should not be allowed to live in society. If we start getting rid of them then maybe these animals will have a chance a a loving life they deserve. But it has to start with the law removing these sadistic monsters. Us animal lovers will not accept this to continue. We will be the voice for the voiceless. May this poor dog rest in peace. He didn’t deserve this

  8. Heartbreaking beyond belief — THROW the unconscionable depraved PSYCHOS Steven Kuzyk & Sharon Vert in Prison — DO NOT RELEASE them — options are always available — to cruelly, brutally abandon Doggie must be something we MUST NEVER accept — my heart breaks for Doggie’s SUFFERING and premature DEATH.

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