Punish Zoo That Killed White Rhino by Shooting it 15 Times

Target: Thomas J. Vilsack, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Secretary
Goal: Punish zoo that failed to safely house rare white rhino, leading to its death in a hail of 15 bullets.

Fifteen gun shots rang out and a rare white rhino collapsed in a heap on the ground. The rhino’s crime was nothing more than seeking freedom. The zoo that had recently taken custody of the rhino had failed to provide a secure enclosure. As a result, on only the rhino’s second day at the zoo, he was able to break through multiple fences that separated it from the general public.

When the rhino reached the final fence separating the rhino from the public, the zoo was compelled to shoot the rhino to death, in order to protect the public. Of course, had the zoo provided a sufficiently robust security system, the rhino would never have made it so close to the general public.

Rather than taking responsibility for this tragic event, the zoo has blamed the government for failing to require the zoo to provide more robust security measures. The zoo defended itself by stating, “Wild Florida took all proper precautions to prepare for the rehoming of the deceased rhino. Despite these efforts, which included a full inspection and approval from the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), the enclosure constructed to house the rhino failed.”

When the USDA conducted an inspection of the zoo after this incident, it apparently found the zoo to have other problems, including “unprotected electrical cord,” “floor wire fencing exposed with sharp points protruding,” “several expired medications,” including some that had been expired for years. Additionally, there was found to be an “excessive accumulation of fecal material” in places.

And, of course, the biggest violation was permitting the rhino to be housed in an insufficiently secure enclosure, which lead to his death in a hail of fifteen bullets.


Dear Secretary Vilsack,

Fifteen gun shots rang out and a rare white rhino collapsed in a heap on the ground. The rhino’s crime was nothing more than seeking freedom. The zoo that had recently taken custody of the rhino had failed to provide a secure enclosure. As a result, on only the rhino’s second day at the zoo, he was able to break through multiple fences that separated it from the general public.

When the rhino reached the final fence separating the rhino from the public, the zoo was compelled to shoot the rhino to death, in order to protect the public. Of course, had the zoo provided a sufficiently robust security system, the rhino would never have made it so close to the general public.

When your agency conducted an inspection of the zoo after this incident, it apparently found the zoo to have other problems, including “unprotected electrical cord,” “floor wire fencing exposed with sharp points protruding,” “several expired medications,” including some that had been expired for years. Additionally, there was found to be an “excessive accumulation of fecal material” in places.

And, of course, the biggest violation was permitting the rhino to be housed in an insufficiently secure enclosure, which lead to his death in a hail of fifteen bullets.

Blaming the government is no excuse for allowing a white rhino to be homed in an insufficiently secure enclosure. Please seek the maximum penalty for any violations that may have occurred at Wild Florida.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Stephen Temple


  1. F-ing IDIOTS running the zoo! I’m so sorry white rhino.

    • Cheryl Marshall says:

      What a crock of sh*t excuse to blame others for their dumb ass mistake. 15 bullets to kill an animal that did what any caged animal would have done!The zoo that failed to properly secure an enclosure are idiots! This is why wild animals belong in the wild, not in a cage!

  2. Since the zoo has violated so many rules, they must be held responsible and punished harshly!

  3. Elinor Hawke-Szady says:

    WOW – couldn’t believe what I was reading. How bloody stupid can humans get???!!! This rhino was only doing what he/she would normally try to do – break free and be wild. Human error at this zoo caused this. There was ABSOLUTELY NO REASON why the poor rhino should’ve been killed either. Why didn’t they tranquillize it instead???!!! I really hope this zoo is taken to task over this, the employees responsible fired, and proper secure fences installed.

  4. Excuses Excuses, ppl are such dumb asses and another animal has to suffer the consequences of their stupidity, I say get rid of the human garbage instead

  5. They murdered an innocent animal this zoo should be shut down!!!

  6. Only in Florida! I am amazed this zoo was given permission to house one very important animal. They don’t take their job seriously. They didn’t have any paralyzing medication to shoot? Only 15 bullets? I have no knowledge or education in keeping animals in a zoo yet apparently neither did these zoo officials or workers. Preparation is key for zoos. Any living being held against their will wants only one thing … freedom! One doesn’t need to be Einstein to realize that Is a fact. I read the zoo had outdated medications and much more. How then did this zoo get a permit and license to function as a zoo in the first place? It’s best to shut this zoo down as they are incapable of acting in the best interests of their animals. But do it quickly before De Santis puts into law that all books on Rhinos should be burned and no science, or history book should ever include the species!!!

  7. gilbert hall says:

    it is very sad that in this instance and many others in the usa, the laws and rules that are on the books are not enforced by the courts. This “Zoo” and many others in the country should not be allowed to have rare animals in their possession. Seems as if most people realize what a large and dangerous animal a Rhino is, except for the people running and working at tis supposed “zoo”. My bet is our govt will give them a notice to do better the next time and nothing more.

  8. All zoo’s should be shut down!!! These animals need to be in the wild where they belong not caged up and stared at!!!

  9. F****ing IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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