Dog Found With Muzzle Tied So Deep That Teeth and Tongue Were Visible From Outside Deserves Justice

Target: Pearland Police Chief Randy Garner
Goal: Find person who locked dog’s mouth shut with plastic tie.

A dog was found in a church parking lot with a plastic tie wrapped so tightly around his muzzle that his teeth and tongue were visible from outside his mouth. Fortunately, a good Samaritan found the dog, named Nicholas, and brought him home.

“You could see his teeth, his tongue everything from the outside of his mouth,” said Kourtney Crenshaw, programs manager for Houston PetSet. “That’s how bad the wounds around his muzzle were.”

“He seemed kind of depressed and when you would touch him or pet him he would act a little scared,” Crenshaw added.

The original rescuer removed the plastic tie from around Nicholas’ snout, but became alarmed when his condition did not improve. At this point, the rescuer called a local pet rescue agency which came to the aid.

Nicolas’ wounds were infected and “he wasn’t able to eat very much and he wasn’t able to get food into his mouth, he probably had weeks [to live] at the most,” PetSet Co-President Tena Lundquist Faust said. “I was heartbroken. I can not imagine the pain that dog had endured and the suffering.”

While Nicolas is now on the road to recovery, the person responsible for his nightmarish condition is still on the loose.


Dear Chief Garner,

A dog was found in a church parking lot with a plastic tie wrapped so tightly around his muzzle that his teeth and tongue were visible from outside his mouth. Fortunately, a good Samaritan found the dog, named Nicholas, and brought him home.

“You could see his teeth, his tongue everything from the outside of his mouth,” said Kourtney Crenshaw, programs manager for Houston PetSet. “That’s how bad the wounds around his muzzle were.”

While Nicolas is now on the road to recovery, the person responsible for his nightmarish condition is still on the loose. We are asking that you devote all resources necessary to find and arrest the person responsible for abusing Nicolas.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Houston PetSet


  1. Kill the mother fucker who did this!!!!!


  3. somewhere this CONSUMATE MUTANT is bragging about this and other of his crimes, so a REWARD would help identify him so he can be sent to prison where he belongs.

  4. Another “real man”, no doubt who can only attach those who can’t fight back. NO OTHER SPECIES ON TH PLANET IS CAPABLE OF THIS!!!
    And humans have the ARROGANCE to think we’re the superior species?? FUNNY if it were not so sick.

  5. Oh my gosh, I am so angry like so many others reading this. I pray the piece of crap who did this abuse & left this sweet boy on a church parking lot no less is caught & punished. NOT JUDT A SLAP ON THE WRIST.
    I guess it is better than leaving him on the road.
    There is a special place in hell for child & animal abusers.

  6. Monstrous monstrous evil, heartbreaking and horrific, karma is theirs – I feel you, poor lost innocent souls; their blood on your souls

    The abuse, torture & murder of the innocents

    Some heartbreaks can never be unseen, some horrors never unheard – PLEASE GOD

    And the universe weeps tears of blood

    Your life as theirs, as their death

  7. Shoshannah Tempest says:

    Remove the perpretator’s tongue and teeth as a sign of justice for all.

  8. Maria Lavorato says:

    This is brutality to the extreme and should be punished to the extreme! Find this maggot please and charge him to the maximum.

    This sweet boy suffered unspeakable unnecessary pain…so please give his true justice!

    Your on your way to HELL!

  9. The penalty is not stiff enough to made an impression on these abusers. They need to change the law to protect these poor innocent animals. We hear so many horrible stories about these abused animals. The sick individuals doing these heinous, cruel, senseless acts should be punished with stricter punishments. Issue reward money for finding these sickos and stop making it so easy for them to abuse these animals!!!!!!

    • I agree. The laws must be enacted and enforced. It’s a fact that animal abusers are also likely to harm humans. These are seriously sick and dangerous people that need to do jail time, pay hefty fines, and never be permitted to have another animal.

  10. Amanda Floyd says:

    Punish this piece of human garbage.

  11. Mike Castoldi says:


  12. Find this POS, this is absolutely sickening! I am SO sick and tired of seeing animal abusers getting a slap on the wrist……Tighten up the laws on animal abuse and put these barbaric monsters in prison….where they belong!!!!!!!!!

  13. I will love to do an eye for an eye to tbe sick, evil, motherless monster who did this to this dog!! Laws are a joke and these monsters get away with murder!!!! Danm you excuse and shameful waste of human!!!

  14. Well said, Mike Castoldi…..I couldn’t agree more………..

  15. I am so glad this sweet angel was rescued and is now recovering. This monster should at least go to prison.

  16. What is in the water in Texas? The cruelest and most barbaric animal abuse seems to occur here on a regular basis, is there a contest between Florida, Texas and Pennsylvania? Enforce your laws, find these abusers and make at least an attempt to bring justice to these poor abused animals and punish the lowlife freaks doing this kind of sadistic crime. America is not a third world country but this type of crap sure makes us look like we are, do something about this besides ignoring it.

  17. You need to find this piece of shit and do the same thing to him. Let animal lovers know who it is and we’ll deal with him, because are system does not prosecute enough. I pray every day that I would hit the lottery so I can start a vigilante group to deal with these assholes.

  18. I’d rather my taxpayer money be spent hiring a vigilante hitman to hunt down, find and give REAL justice to the mutants who do these things. The damn courts and weak judges do nothing. These animal crimes are getting WORSE.

  19. Please find the f*cker and cut his god damn tongue out of his mouth – OMG I hate humans – HATE – this is so barbaric why do people think that this bullshit abuse is just fine to keep on doing – oh gee maybe because there are NO PENALTIES that fit these crimes – death is just the quickest for these f*ckers!!!

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