Target: Pearland Police Chief Randy Garner
Goal: Find person who locked dog’s mouth shut with plastic tie.
A dog was found in a church parking lot with a plastic tie wrapped so tightly around his muzzle that his teeth and tongue were visible from outside his mouth. Fortunately, a good Samaritan found the dog, named Nicholas, and brought him home.
“You could see his teeth, his tongue everything from the outside of his mouth,” said Kourtney Crenshaw, programs manager for Houston PetSet. “That’s how bad the wounds around his muzzle were.”
“He seemed kind of depressed and when you would touch him or pet him he would act a little scared,” Crenshaw added.
The original rescuer removed the plastic tie from around Nicholas’ snout, but became alarmed when his condition did not improve. At this point, the rescuer called a local pet rescue agency which came to the aid.
Nicolas’ wounds were infected and “he wasn’t able to eat very much and he wasn’t able to get food into his mouth, he probably had weeks [to live] at the most,” PetSet Co-President Tena Lundquist Faust said. “I was heartbroken. I can not imagine the pain that dog had endured and the suffering.”
While Nicolas is now on the road to recovery, the person responsible for his nightmarish condition is still on the loose.
Dear Chief Garner,
A dog was found in a church parking lot with a plastic tie wrapped so tightly around his muzzle that his teeth and tongue were visible from outside his mouth. Fortunately, a good Samaritan found the dog, named Nicholas, and brought him home.
“You could see his teeth, his tongue everything from the outside of his mouth,” said Kourtney Crenshaw, programs manager for Houston PetSet. “That’s how bad the wounds around his muzzle were.”
While Nicolas is now on the road to recovery, the person responsible for his nightmarish condition is still on the loose. We are asking that you devote all resources necessary to find and arrest the person responsible for abusing Nicolas.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Houston PetSet
Hopefully someone will find this scum and take him out…. the world would be better off for it.
Agree 100%! Do the same to all of these abusers.
Agree! These lowlifes have no place in society! Eye for an eye! I pray this precious pup survives and finds the perfect loving home.
People who do this to pets/animals are poor excuses for human beings!
Please find the person responsible for what this dog went through and prosecute
Prosecute? That means this worthless SOB would be alive and that’s the last thing I want! I want him to die a slow and painful death within the next 2 weeks.
What kind of god damn MONSTER does this to an animal? I’ll tell you what kind. The kind you put up against a wall and put nine rounds into their head! Asshole!
Yes please!
Not even worth wasting nine rounds. Just one strategic bullet is all he or she needs! Love your comment though!!
Let him have a sample of his work. Since people’s jaws make that difficult. Sew his mouth shut. Wire it shut. Then pout salt in a crack and leave him thirsty. Then rip duct tape off his mouth. Make him suffer
Good girl.
This is exactly what the bastard needs and I am very sure that any of these animal torturing supposedly ‘hard’ shitbags would think twice before committing a heinous act to an innocent animal knowing what could happen to them!
If any of you bastards read this then know you could be being watched and you need to be afraid because you could be next you arrogant tossers!
A very painful ‘death’ to all of you worthless pieces of shite!!
My only comfort,in this, is knowing that KARMA is going to kick this person’s ass!! These abusers and killers obviously don’t think about what is going to happen to them as a result of what they do.
I delight in knowing what’s going to happen to them. This is no joke and no myth. Karma (spiritual law) is real.These actions are strikes against their souls, which they are going to have to attone for.
When their lives has come to an end and they think that, that’s it, they are dead and gone, nothing matters anymore, they better think again. That’s when they (their souls) will have to start paying for what they have done to humanity and god’s creatures. I am not kidding with this. It’s very true!!!!
No excuses for this innhumanity
I found this cruelty so heartbreaking it made me CRY!
Find the POS that did this and prosecute. Animal abuse should be a felony, laws need to change and quickly. At the very least we need a national registry (similar to sex offenders/pedophiles) for animal abusers. That way they can never own or have another animal in their possession.
This person needs to have consequences.
find and strangle…….. over
I am so so very sick n tired of hearing/reading about abuse. These fuckers just need to cease to exist!!!
Find the demonic monster, once tried and convicted, should be sentenced to the very same thing. Give these degenerates some understanding of how evil and rotten to the core they are by experiencing exactly what they did to their victims. JUSTICE!!!!
Who the f would be this low? Whoever it may be I sincerely hope they are found and punished to the severest extent legally AND KARMICALLY. A curse on its worthless life from this day on. May you suffer the same fate you soulless cretin
Every time I read these awful petitions it hurts and saddens me to no end. Then I sign the petition and read the comments and feel a little better knowing there are so many others that feel the same.
I’m 100% eye for an eye. Have the crime be the exact punishment, although I prefer to not have these scumbag abusers breathe oxygen anymore.
Please please please whoever finds the bastard REMOVE HIM/ HER/THEM FROM EARTH
This cruel monster needs to be found before he targets more dogs. Personally I would like to put a muzzle on him & tie it as tight as he did this poor dog , let him feel what poor Nicholas went through …. 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡
Most likely the demented piece of shit will never be found so I just hope that scum who committed this horrific cruelty dies a very painful death real soon. People who inflict such evil should not be walking the planet.
It wont accept my EMail address?
this scum of the earth needs to be removed off the planet permanently.