Pet Husky Reportedly Tied Up, Shot With Crossbow and Dumped in River by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: Montgomery County District Attorney Daryl D. Bailey
Goal: Seek maximum punishment for man accused of shooting dog with crossbow and dumping body in river.

A man was apparently caught on film tying his dog to a tree and shooting it with a crossbow. Reports of this brutal attack came to light after neighbors belonging to the local homeowner’s association claimed to have security footage of this heinous event.

Officials with the Montgomery Humane Society were called to the neighborhood, where they received testimony and viewed the footage that appeared to record the brutal killing.

The video apparently shows Charles Graves placing his large white and grey female husky mix on a tether.

“Mr. Graves returns to his vehicle, retrieves his crossbow, and shoots the dog,” the humane officer wrote in the report. “Then [he] begins to drag the dog to the top of the hill and pushed the dog into the [river].”

Although Graves was arrested, he is being held on only $2,500 bail.


Dear District Attorney Bailey,

According to reports, a man tied his dog to a tree, shot her with a crossbow, and dumped the body in a river. Reports of this brutal attack came to light after neighbors belonging to the local homeowner’s association claimed to have security footage of this heinous event.

Officials with the Montgomery Humane Society were called to the neighborhood, where they received testimony and viewed the footage that appeared to record the brutal killing.

According to Humane Society officials, after tying his dog up, “Mr. Graves returns to his vehicle, retrieves his crossbow, and shoots the dog. Then [he] begins to drag the dog to the top of the hill and pushed the dog into the [river].”

Although Graves was arrested, he is being held on only $2,500 bail.

Animal abuse is a horrific crime that is often under-prosecuted. We ask that you conduct a vigorous prosecution and seek the maximum penalty in this case.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Tranmautritam


  1. Mike Castoldi says:

    What a piece of shit, This Douchebag should get the same done to him!!! EYE FOR AN EYE!!! You should DIE a long painful death!!! RIP pretty girl!!!

  2. Sandra Foster says:

    Needs to be fully prosecuted!

  3. James & Linda Sanders says:

    How can anyone be so cruel! Animals have feelings just like humans and depend on us to protect them! People that hurt animals should receive the same treatment as they gave the animal. Lock them up!!!!!

  4. They seriously need to start an eye for an eye law. And any judge that just slaps these murderers on the wrist are just as guilty as the murderer is of the death of the poor animal.

  5. Lawrence Holtzman says:

    The world is full of mentally disturbed humans. This is certainly one of them. His extermination would be best for animals and humans!!!

  6. Christine K says:

    There is VIDEO footage of this disgusting crime. The monster needs to be eliminated permanently. If the courts won’t do the right thing (and they never do in this county), I’m positive there’d be a line of volunteers to do the honors. This shit has to STOP!!! As a husky mom, I’d love to handle it myself.

  7. Nena Miller says:

    He is a straight up psycho and the judge pars him in the butt and sends him home. What in the world is wrong with our country?

  8. There are no words that can describe how I feel. How in the world can this man be out on only $2500 bail? He is a murderer. When will America change their laws on animal cruelty? Probably never.

  9. Maria Lavorato says:

    Poor sweet boy….I so sad and sorry….pray your in heaven now.

    Maximum charges JUDGE …. do you think he is safe to have roaming free?????? but torture or

    SHOOT THIS MF…. AND DUMP HIM! would be my call.

    • Maria Betancourt says:

      This killer is a pos scumbag and deserves to be exterminated…the judge must be an animal abuser too ?? To let this pos off so easy?? Maybe the judge is guilty as well !!!!!!! This is straight-up bs !!!!! So sick of this sh*t !!!!!!! Un f’ accept able !!!!!!! RIP SWEET dog!!!

  10. Constance Caldwell says:

    Omg!!! How could he do that??? This man is crazy!!! I hope they throw the book at him! Maybe a crossbow arrow!!!

  11. Once convicted in a court of law according to the Constitution, the monsters that do this kind of heinous crime should be sentenced to have the identical act done to them. Give them first hand understanding of how horrible they are! JUSTICE

  12. For crying out loud stop saying ‘appears to have’. It’s on camera. He did it. There should be no excuse for this vile sort of thing when it’s on camera. Take the film to court show it to a judge who is an animal lover. Get this POS locked up. Preferably with animal lovers.

  13. It’s on film, no apparently or alleged about it!!! This monster is guilty and deserves to be severely punished. If it was up to me I’d do the same to him, but I’d leave him tethered alive to a tree for a long time before I threw him in the river so I could watch him drown.

  14. No sentence given to this Jerk will be what he deserves unless he is given tit for tat, same as he done to the poor dog, What a POS

  15. this is beyond cruel, it is heinous. the only justice is to tie this asshole to a tree, shoot him with a crossbow and throw his body into the river. HOW< HOW HOW does someone do this?

  16. To those who have promised to uphold law, order,and justice. Extreme animal cruelty has been signed into federal law by a US President as a federal felony level crime which is punishable by up to seven years in prison. That would include any violent crime against an animal that results in extreme pain, maiming, or death. This crime fits that description, was deliberate, and there is solid evidence for it. I implore you to have the courage, presence of mind, and most of all the basic human decency to hold this individual fully accountable for what was a clearly depraved, sadistic and gruesome act of extreme animal cruelty. Animal cruelty in the US is common and ongoing due to the fact that people commonly do what they know they can get away with without any significant consequences. This deliberate,sadistic crime should be met with the maximum penalty of 7 years. He should be fined 10k and absolutely be in prison with time served no less than 5 years. I cannot emphasize enough as an animal rescuer and activist that what we term as a ” slap on the wrist” sentence without significant consequences ALWAYS leaves the door wide open for these heartbreaking sadistic crimes to continue and more animals to be tortured and killed. Please realize this and uphold justice for this crime and for this animal who felt the same terror and pain as any human would. Do not let this go without the full weight of the law! Please! Please take to heart and mind what I have said. Please! Thank you!

  17. They really need to do the same thing to him. Put him down with a crossbow. A horrific way to die. Effing bastard deserves no mercy.

  18. Jane Todaro says:

    The miserable guy who did this should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IN THE NAME OF SAM HILL IS THE MATTER WITH SOME PEOPLE??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. WTF!!! Have humans completely lost their minds? This man needs to have the same fate dealt to him. This senselessness has to end. The sentences that are handed down for these crimes are such a joke and those committing these crimes know nothing will be done to them.

  20. Hang em in the middle of the town he lives, with a sign saying what he did, let the public do the punishment!!

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