Pet Husky Reportedly Tied Up, Shot With Crossbow and Dumped in River by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: Montgomery County District Attorney Daryl D. Bailey
Goal: Seek maximum punishment for man accused of shooting dog with crossbow and dumping body in river.

A man was apparently caught on film tying his dog to a tree and shooting it with a crossbow. Reports of this brutal attack came to light after neighbors belonging to the local homeowner’s association claimed to have security footage of this heinous event.

Officials with the Montgomery Humane Society were called to the neighborhood, where they received testimony and viewed the footage that appeared to record the brutal killing.

The video apparently shows Charles Graves placing his large white and grey female husky mix on a tether.

“Mr. Graves returns to his vehicle, retrieves his crossbow, and shoots the dog,” the humane officer wrote in the report. “Then [he] begins to drag the dog to the top of the hill and pushed the dog into the [river].”

Although Graves was arrested, he is being held on only $2,500 bail.


Dear District Attorney Bailey,

According to reports, a man tied his dog to a tree, shot her with a crossbow, and dumped the body in a river. Reports of this brutal attack came to light after neighbors belonging to the local homeowner’s association claimed to have security footage of this heinous event.

Officials with the Montgomery Humane Society were called to the neighborhood, where they received testimony and viewed the footage that appeared to record the brutal killing.

According to Humane Society officials, after tying his dog up, “Mr. Graves returns to his vehicle, retrieves his crossbow, and shoots the dog. Then [he] begins to drag the dog to the top of the hill and pushed the dog into the [river].”

Although Graves was arrested, he is being held on only $2,500 bail.

Animal abuse is a horrific crime that is often under-prosecuted. We ask that you conduct a vigorous prosecution and seek the maximum penalty in this case.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Tranmautritam


  1. We the people need to get better people in judges seats that are going to start punishing these so called humans and protect innocent animals! It’s got to start at the top so we can start seeing these thugs being properly punished !!! It doesn’t seem we have the right people to accomplish the proper punishment they deserve !!!

  2. Hopefully someone knows who this POS is and deals with him accordingly. The courts are a damn joke. People need to start enforcing their own justice.

  3. Jenny Mohawk says:

    God damn people who do things like this to defenseless animals – they need to have that stuff done to them!!!

    If that dog is still alive is she available for adoption? We used to have a beautiful husky – she died of old age several years ago and is much missed by all of us.

    • marianne alfano says:

      No, sorry to say it died. I don’t understand these articles. When people get arrested you can see the crimes they commit and the sentence they receive. But they never show the people who are shown guilty of animal abuse and neglect and of course murder. Why are they not shown? They need to be exposed this is ridiculous they need to be treated like any other Criminal. It’s so unfair to keep them anonymous

  4. Elaine Smith says:

    Agree, justice for animal abuse and murder is a joke. It will happen, own vigi-justice will happen unless the law dishes out proper justice. Cretinous excrement like this become a danger to humans too.

  5. Angry citizen says:

    This twisted sicko needs eye for an eye justice. But since we deem that to be barbaric (as though what he did was not?), then a fat long jail sentence, public shaming, $$$ that should be donated to a shelter, and never being allowed near any animal ever again.

  6. give this sub- human the same treatment—UNGRATEFUL

  7. Rose Coffey says:

    I really wish this jerk would get what’s coming to him. I am so tired of seeing these mentally disturbed idiots get off for what they do.

    • He’s not mentally disturbed. This arrogant fucker knew exactly what he was doing and no doubt enjoyed it.
      So, unless someone with enough guts to crack the bastard over the head one dark night and hopefully get away with not being seen, then I can only suggest as before that animal activist ‘vigilante’ groups can be formed to deal with these non-caring shitbag humans once and for all.
      It is the only way these arseholes are going to be stopped as the bloody useless judicial system and even more useless fucking Judges
      just cannot be bothered as it is ‘only a dog’ or whatever and does not matter.
      Waste of space bastards all of them.
      People power IS going to prevail and stop these animal murdering and torturing fuckers in their tracks and it IS is going to happen – guaranteed!!

  8. This mother fucker should be tied up and have the same thing down to him…I’ll gladly do it

  9. There’s no place to sign??

  10. Carla Heitz says:

    I would love to see these evil beings get the same treatment that they gave to the helpless animals they brutally torture. Then there will be justice. Of course the courts will rule that is cruel. But who was there to tell that to the POS who do these cruel acts?

  11. And what is to stop this individual from doing the same to another animal, a child, an elderly person or anyone that can not defend themselves?? A tiger does not change its stripes…he is serial killer in the making if not already

  12. Karen Giammarco says:

    This fucking bastard needs to die the same way. If our justice system cannot do their fucking job; then we need to take care of assholes like this ourselves. If this bastard gets away with this; then the fucking humans who let him should die too.

    • And i bet that pos cop who stomped on his girlfriends cat will not be punished. Suffered to the point where it had to be put to sleep. Internal organs had too much damage.

    • Top summing up!
      I am sure one way or another this bastard is going to get what is coming to him!
      He Is as I would think, and as the saying goes, ‘A dead man walking’
      And the sooner this fucker is stopped walking, the better.

  13. The laws on the books right now for animal abuse are a joke.
    There should be stiffer fines-
    Longer(if any) jail time-
    Never legally own an animal again-
    And should have to register as an abuser FOR life-
    Right now it’s a slap on the wrist and a small fine

  14. This is horrendous. We need stricter animal cruelty laws and laws we have should not only be upheld to the fullest, but we have to give these people the maximum penalty. We need to start making a point. A point that ANY form of animal cruelty will not be tolerated and you will receive maximum penalty every time.

  15. Linda Clawson says:


  16. eleanor dunkavich says:

    This creep is a sick one that belongs off the streets lock him up


  18. I agree with all of you that this cruelty is inexcusable! These monsters deserve to be killed! I too am sick of this! Yes, Gilda, I am remember hearing about the cat in Tampa — stomped on by the monster of a cop. He should be killed, along with this dog’s owner, and the boy in Singapore who threw that poor cat out of a 22nd floor window deserves the same! As a cat mom, this cruelty infuriates me!

  19. Death penalty for this bastard killer, sick, mother fucker! Justice for poor dog!

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