Don’t Let Elon Musk Mutilate Monkey Brains

Target: Tom Vilsack, Secretary of U.S. Department of Agriculture

Goal: Investigate reported torture and deaths of lab monkeys associated with neurotech firm.

Elon Musk created another splash when his company, the Neuralink Organization, released a video of a monkey seemingly playing a video game with only his mind. Neuralink touted this development as an advancement of its aspirations to link human brains with computers. Now, the company is facing allegations that its cutting-edge research is rooted in animal cruelty.

The charges concern rhesus monkeys used as test subjects in University of California-Davis laboratories. Staff of Neuralink have claimed that testing on the animals is being rushed at Musk’s command and causing the monkeys great harm and even death as a result. A group known as the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has further highlighted allegations about what took place in the laboratory.

They say that documentation shows how the skulls of the monkeys were cut open so that brain chips could be implanted. In addition, a substance that has not been properly vetted was allegedly used in the testing, resulting in the reported death of at least one monkey. The committee further claims that the monkeys were not being treated well and were possibly being deprived of veterinary care.

The United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA), which oversees the nation’s animal cruelty laws, has reportedly launched an investigation into the matter. Sign the petition below to demand appropriate penalties be given to any responsible parties if wrongdoing is discovered.


Dear Secretary Vilsack,

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine recently appealed to this agency to investigate the University of California-Davis laboratory and Neuralink for their purported roles in cruel animal testing. They stated that during these tests “monkeys had their brains mutilated in shoddy experiments and were left to suffer and die.” The USDA has by accounts begun at least a preliminary investigation into the allegations.

Please remain vigilant in this pursuit. If either the laboratory or Neuralink is found to have caused inhumane suffering to lab animals, hold them fully accountable. No true progress can arise from barbarity and cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: USDA


  1. Monstrous monstrous evil, heartbreaking and horrific, karma is theirs – I feel you, poor lost innocent souls; their blood on your souls

    The abuse, torture & murder of the innocents

    Some heartbreaks can never be unseen, some horrors never unheard – PLEASE GOD

    And the universe weeps tears of blood

    Your life as theirs, as their death


    Don’t let Elon Musk get away with murder and torture of innocent animals; he must be stopped ,charged, fined, jailed and never allowed to be in any business having to do with animals/pets/

  3. Hollie Borden says:

    Hold these people accountable for this horrific abuse!

  4. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Bringing issues like this to light really has an impact about just the kind of human being Elon Musk is. One can lose total respect for this man who is a billionaire and is conducting cruel and inhumane experiments on living subjects. When staff at Neuralink makes claims that Elon Musk is rushing testing on the animals causing monkeys great harm and even death as a result makes this even more disturbing and alarming.

  5. This man is already a disgusting human and a disgrace to America so now we we can add animal torture and cruelty to his narcissistic man.
    At least we must close his monkey experiments for good and make him pay an expensive fine. No one is above the law!

  6. I think we’d get more answers on so-called human intelligence” if we let monkeys probe Elon Musk’s brain.

    This jerk just can’t seem to do anything GOOD with his money.

  7. I agree with ABS314, and after Elon Musk’s brain has been probed he should be killed!

  8. Elon Musk has two faces stop him to commit more evil doings in this country!
    Let’s all write letters to UC if Davis to condemn this cruel and evil torture of animals !

  9. Musk is a disgusting individual. I can see why his daughter wants nothing to do with him
    I wouldn’t either want anything to do with him either!!! PLUS now this dill wad owns Twitter … I wonder how many people will keep working there for him or just tell him to go F**K HIMSELF and quit

  10. Maria Nowicki says:

    Elon Musk is the one whose brain should be examined to find out the reason why he is such a minster!

  11. #elonmuskcaneatabagofdicks

  12. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Elon Musk needs to shut this trash down.

  13. transformation6891Janey says:

    i don’t care how much money this ignorant pr..k has there is no excuse for cruelty. Who needs these sorts of neurofeckin interventions, his money is being used to mess with humanity rather than ensure survivability of humanity. We need to shut his enterprise down

  14. I hate that fucker. Kill that man I will do if I see the bitch in my city

  15. Gabriela Torres says:

    I wish someome did that to him!

  16. MAY THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE BE REMOVED FROM HIS JOB!!!! He should be sent to pick up animal dung at the zoo
    Heartless uneducated man
    Pathetic….. this is the USA 😱😱😱😱

  17. Dear Secretary Vilsack,
    Is he another mad scientist like Fauci?
    Both should be subject to the same barbaric animal testing so the world will forever get rid of them

    Thank you!

  18. Jackie Pflucker says:

    … to demand appropriate penalties …
    That being either life imprisonment or the electric chair!


  20. Tracey Allen says:

    He is a maniac

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