Bird Whose Neck Was Reportedly Snapped in Act of Revenge Deserves Justice

Target: Al Hadeed, County Attorney of Flagler County, FL

Goal: Punish woman accused of snapping bird’s neck in retaliation against roommate.

A dispute between roommates allegedly ended an innocent pet’s life. A woman in Florida contacted local authorities, claiming she had witnessed her roommate Lindsay Theissen snap her bird’s neck before throwing the animal back in the cage. Theissen was arrested for the reported offense.

The tragic series of events began very late in the previous night, when the witness alleges Theissen initially started making threats against both the roommate herself and the bird, who was named Sunflower. After apparently receiving a text about Sunflower the following morning, the witness went home. Theissen allegedly had the bird in her hands and waited until the roommate arrived to commit the act. Authorities reported she may have been intoxicated.

Vulnerable animals are too often the collateral damage of domestic disturbances, and this disturbing pattern needs to stop. Sign the petition below to demand prosecution of this tragic case to the fullest extent.


Dear Mr. Hadeed,

Lindsey Theissen allegedly got angry at her roommate and took her rage out on an innocent living being in the worst way possible. She has been accused of snapping the neck of her roommate’s pet bird in front of the woman before tossing the dead body away like garbage. Reportedly drunk or not, this suspect needs to answer for her cruelty if she is found guilty.

Send a decisive message that animals will no longer be acceptable collateral damage in a human’s misplaced anger. Seek the maximum possible charges for this despicable alleged act.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Marcelo Chagas


  1. Joseph Kenosky says:

    The monster that did this should be euthanized.

    • You are too kind. I would be fully in favor of her being drawn and quartered alive. This would be a just punishment.

  2. This vile severe animal abusing killing scumbag, definitely requires instigation of the death penalty and nothing less!

    • If the courts do not send her away for at least 30 years, which is a slap on the wrist than those who know where she is and who she is know what they must do. Oops she had a fatal accident, rip.

  3. Tammy Garman says:

    How is it that Florida has such an amazing governor yet this crap keeps happening!
    WHY did this INNOCENT bird have to suffer?

    Stop the damn hand slapping and DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!!

  4. Karen Mckay says:

    Snap her neck. It’s all she deserves.

    • U r too kind. Draw and quarter her alive. Teams of 5 people pull on each limb, or 4 motorcycles pulling in 4 directions.

  5. Evil low life scumbag Lindsay Theissen needs to be jailed!

  6. Intoxicated of not , she has no excuse for her action to end a poor, defenseless bird’s life because of a beef with her roommate. I hope after her conviction and hopefully some time spent in hail fir get crime, she gets help.

    • Why didn’t the room mate take her out for good? FL is a stand your ground state. She was drunk and rushed me. What was I to do? Or stay mum.

  7. Snap that little b*tche’s neck and toss her into a garbage can where she clearly belongs.

    Not to worry though, karma has everyone’s address. She’s just busy with all the evil pieces of sh*t in this world. But she will eventually find them all and pay them a visit.

    But damn I would love to give karma a hand! I train to fight and beat up people who agree to get in the ring with me. But this would just be for justice and fun.

  8. DEATH PENALTY for ALL animal-torturers and animal-abusers.
    NO animal shall have its neck snapped, be killed or be abused in any other way by dehumanized and desensitized psychopathic human scum.
    ALL animal-abusing sadists must be EUTHANIZED to set an example. DEATH PENALTY is the only adequate punishment for this hellish monster! Just snap her neck!

  9. Nadine brundage says:

    That low life bitch who killed that innocent bird needs time in the nearest mental institution . No normal person commits such horrific cruelty. No excuses for killing this bird. Do not let this one off with the usual slap on the wrist. This sicko is a danger to society.

  10. What a cowardly, cruel & despicable act. Remove her from society.

  11. barry farley says:

    how can anyone do this to a small helpless animal which can not defend for themselves. This fucking bastard should get the same punishment that they put on this helpless animal. Please someone fix these laws and execute this fucking vbastard and may the lord send this evil person to hell.

  12. Patricia Leigh Wicker says:


  13. The punishment should be the same as what was done to the innocent bird…

  14. Rachelle+R. says:

    Why would anyone take out their anger on an innocent creature? People who do this should not be anywhere near any animals, period. She deserves both but bad to happen to her.

  15. She does need to be punished.

  16. The punishment needs to fit the crime. DO THE SAME TO THIS WORTHLESS BITCH

    • The same is too kind. She must be drawn and quartered alive. That would be satisfactory in the interest of justice.

  17. Raymond Stevens says:

    This evil bitch needs to be put in jail. Tell the inmates what this cunt did. They’ll take care of her.

    • Many prisoners are anti animal abuse and many of them are in there for taking someone out who killed their cat, for instance. They will run a train on her.

  18. This vicious heinous human monster needs the same violent end that she gave to this innocent bird. She does no longer need to exist.

    • Yes drawn and quartered alive would be just. But u can go vegan and everyone here who clamors for justice can go vegan for the animals so they are not murdered for a 5 minute meal.

  19. Michelle Stewart says:

    Being drunk is no excuse. That bitch deserves to have her neck snapped. She is guilty. She must spend 10 years in prison with no early parole, pay a $500,000 fine, and be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again

  20. This woman is a vindictive cowardly bully!
    To break the delicate neck of a sweet defenseless bird becausecshe was angry at the birds owner????
    She needs to be punished to the maximum!!!
    Too many people are doing this to hurt others. Please start here to make an e ample that these actionsxwill NO LONGER BE TOLERATED & MAXIMUM SENTENCES WILL BE IMPOSED!

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