Bird Whose Neck Was Reportedly Snapped in Act of Revenge Deserves Justice

Target: Al Hadeed, County Attorney of Flagler County, FL

Goal: Punish woman accused of snapping bird’s neck in retaliation against roommate.

A dispute between roommates allegedly ended an innocent pet’s life. A woman in Florida contacted local authorities, claiming she had witnessed her roommate Lindsay Theissen snap her bird’s neck before throwing the animal back in the cage. Theissen was arrested for the reported offense.

The tragic series of events began very late in the previous night, when the witness alleges Theissen initially started making threats against both the roommate herself and the bird, who was named Sunflower. After apparently receiving a text about Sunflower the following morning, the witness went home. Theissen allegedly had the bird in her hands and waited until the roommate arrived to commit the act. Authorities reported she may have been intoxicated.

Vulnerable animals are too often the collateral damage of domestic disturbances, and this disturbing pattern needs to stop. Sign the petition below to demand prosecution of this tragic case to the fullest extent.


Dear Mr. Hadeed,

Lindsey Theissen allegedly got angry at her roommate and took her rage out on an innocent living being in the worst way possible. She has been accused of snapping the neck of her roommate’s pet bird in front of the woman before tossing the dead body away like garbage. Reportedly drunk or not, this suspect needs to answer for her cruelty if she is found guilty.

Send a decisive message that animals will no longer be acceptable collateral damage in a human’s misplaced anger. Seek the maximum possible charges for this despicable alleged act.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Marcelo Chagas


  1. Lisa Allis says:

    This sounds like a lover’s quarrel. Sad that animals are so often injured and/or killed as part of domestic violence. There should be a bigger effort to stop this.

    • Well it is worse than sad…humans are only 1 species on the list of worldwide mammals and look what we are doing….those lives matter as much as our do!! They are mothers and fathers and babies and cousins and uncles etc etc etc…no different than us…except they behave way better than humans!

  2. Lock her up forever. People who take out their rage on helpless children and animals are the lowest. beneath contempt.

  3. No self control./ Imagine what she could if it had been her lover’s child.

  4. These pets are often collateral damage. Does not matter what action is taken, unfortunately it will never bring these animals back to life.
    However this very cruel woman needs to be held accountable.

  5. If this monster did this, they deserve the same fate. Remove them from the face of the earth before they do this to other things. What a piece of shit this person is.


  7. Andrew Wells says:

    Hang her!!

  8. Andrea+Chisari says:

    Release her name to the Internet and let her peers take care of her!

    • Cathy emerson says:

      Just give me time with this bitch and she would be fed through a straw for the rest of her sick life. If i was that poor birds owner the police wouldnt have been involved i would have beat the shit out of her myself.

  9. If that was my pet….that POS would be in a wheel chair by the time I got done with them

  10. I am angry so I will snap her neck. Think that would fly? Prosecute her. being drunk is NO excuse.

  11. You know if the justice systems world wide do not grow a pair and start handing down SEVERE sentences then a vigilante attitude will grow and no one wants to see that….. I wonder if all these creep humans, and that includes ANY authority that stands by and lets it go unpunished or not well punished, I wonder if they all know that we are on that list of mammals for the entire earth!!!!
    It is a fact and anyone can check that out…..we are only 1 species of so very many, and WE are the ones pillaging and reducing species and garbaging up our own bed so to speak!!! WE ARE ruining it for all the rest of the mammals on that list…we alone!!!!!

  12. Why the fuck do people say, Lock her up, Lock her up. Fuck that shit. How about video taping someone snapping this Bitch’s neck. Put it on Pay-Per-View and charge a $100.00 for animal lovers to watch it. I would bet someone could make a lot of money off of a video like that. And the best part is that this Bitch would never be able to hurt another animal or bird the rest of her sorry-ass life. Lock her up, Lock her up. That’s a fuckin’ joke. So she gets locked up. She will just be in jail with the rest of her sorry-ass friends and then sooner or later she will be released and she will just go back to hurting birds and animals again.
    Eliminate the fuckin’ Bitch permanently and you won’t have this problem ever again from her.

  13. Intoxicated or not this was a deliberate and heinous act of abuse and she should be held accountable and made to take a psych review for her anger and her sadistic act of revenge against an innocent bird. She should be in jail and made an example of – as should anyone who does something this horrible.

  14. Snap her neck boil the bitch for dinner for birds

  15. Raynesha McGhee-Reed says:

    Lock This Vile cunt Up!!!!!

  16. Cathy emerson says:

    Just give me time with this bitch and she would be fed through a straw for the rest of her sick life. If i was that poor birds owner the police wouldnt have been involved i would have beat the shit out of her myself.

  17. You need to throw her ass in jail and throw away the key. Drunk or not she needs to pay restitution for what she did.

  18. This is very sad!!! Somebody please snap the low life BITCH’s neck

  19. Rose Coffey says:

    RIP Sunflower and my sympathy to your owner. The beast who did this needs to be punished thoroughly. What a shame there are creatures out there like the idiot who did this.

  20. This is very very sad!!! Somebody please snap the low life BITCH’s neck

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