Justice for 100 Animals Rescued From Reportedly Severe Neglect

Target: Heather L. Adams, District Attorney of Lancaster County, PA

Goal: Prosecute person or people allegedly responsible for neglect of 100 animals to fullest extent.

What do sheep, horses, goats, dogs, cats, turkeys, chickens, and baby ducks have in common? All of these animals were allegedly victims of severe neglect and cruelty on the same Pennsylvania property. In total, 100 animals were seized from the Quarryville residence.

Fortunately, these animals have undergone veterinary care, and the state’s animal welfare organization is in the process of securing them new homes. An investigation is ongoing. Similar cases in the region, however, have resulted in minimal penalties.

Sign the petition below to ensure this disturbing case does not slip through the legal system’s cracks.


Dear DA Adams,

Over 100 animals were recently seized from a Lancaster County premises that was reportedly in deplorable condition. These seemingly neglected animals were only rescued after a call from a good Samaritan. Two other recent animal cruelty cases within the county, one involving 25 charges against a woman and the other pertaining to a puppy breeder, resulted in convictions with either suspended or bare minimum jail sentences attached. More disturbing still, both of the individuals in these cases were not permanently barred from having animals in the future.

Do not let this case fall victim to an equal injustice. Once the investigation is completed, seek full charges against all involved parties. Animal cruelty is a serious offense that can be a predictor of future criminal behavior. Please start treating it as such.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Kristi Evans

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  • wesley burnett
  • Cecil Woolley
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  • Ellen Peck
  • Velina Ussery
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  • Kelly Tadlock
  • Lesha Thornton
  • Latonya Sassee Walker
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