Don’t Let Man Accused of Whipping Screaming Dog on Camera Go Free

Target: Megan Ferguson, Assistant DA of Angelina County, TX

Goal: Prosecute man who allegedly beat dog on video to fullest extent of law.

Once again, an accused animal abuser is being handed back his reported victims by a lax and uncaring so-called justice system. Lorenzo Johnson was the apparent subject of a Facebook video that went viral. In the video, Johnson is seemingly seen repeatedly whipping a dog that is howling in pain. Neighbors allege it was not the first such incident. After authorities were made aware of the video, Johnson was arrested on felony animal cruelty charges.

In a sad commentary on how “seriously” abuse against animals is often taken in this country, a local judge returned three dogs to the custody of Johnson after he posted bail. This man, apparently caught on video committing abuse, will have unfettered access to these animals. A conviction may be the only way to keep him from potentially harming more innocent living beings. Yet a regional animal welfare organization claims that charges against Johnson were dropped.

Sign the petition below to demand that prosecutors treat this disturbing case with more responsibility and seriousness than the judge seemingly did and reinstate these charges.


Dear ADA Ferguson,

You have already received thousands of signatures from concerned community members requesting that animal cruelty charges be brought against Lorenzo Johnson, a man depicted in a viral video allegedly abusing his dog. Now comes word from the organization Animal Victory that the felony animal cruelty charges originally brought were dropped. More disturbing still, three animals—including the apparent victim—were returned to this man.

Please bring clarity to this disturbing situation. If charges were indeed dropped despite the reported presence of video evidence, you must offer an explanation at the least or a reinstatement of charges at the most. Do not signal to would-be animal abusers that they have a safe haven in Angelina County.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Pixabay


  1. Do the same to him in public then set fire to him with a flame thrower. What a hideous piece of crap


  3. Someone needs to deal with this animal abuser. Cowboy Justice. Dare I say…..Yes I dare say

  4. This motherfucker got his dogs back? Are you fucking kidding me

  5. Way to go Texas give the man back his dog when he is seen abusing it. You are so setting the dog up to be abused again. Do your job and what is right stop the abuse.

  6. Returned the animals to him? This is beyond insane. What good is a lame justice system? It serves no purpose. This pos must be heavily fined & serve prison time. Please get those dogs to a shelter that will adopt them out to loving humans.

  7. What a cold-hearted Judge to give this evil psychopath MONSTER his dogs back to him. This individual needs JAIL TIME for causing this poor helpless dog such pain, suffering and TRAUMA. This is UNACCEPTABLE

  8. Kathleen BOSSART says:

    What kind of judge, let’s this bastard go. How in the hell did this JUDGE get his job, probably bought it, could not of go it the legal and moral way, he should be put in jail with this scum bag who beat This beautiful animal, I don’t know how this judge sleeps at night. No respect for any living thing, does not INFORCE the law, in which he took an OATH to do. These are the laws that are not being implemented. What a country of ASSHOLES.

  9. I agree with all the other comments absolutely. I’d like to add that the Judge on this case needs to have his law license revoked. NO FAIR JUDGE, NO COMPASSIONATE HUMAN BEING WOULD SUBJECT THESE ANIMALS TO TORTURE & ABUSE AGAIN!!!

  10. Deanna Dumas says:

    Wtf is wrong with people is your life that miserable that this is what makes you feel powerful you deserve the same fate asshole and loser piece of shit

  11. Animal abuse laws in red states are far worse than in blue states. Good luck with this bs petition.

  12. His address shouldn’t be hard to find. Take the justice system into our own hands if it is not going to be done properly.

  13. Pathetic piece of garbage. For God’s sake America get a grip.

  14. Orna Zagiel says:

    He should be put in prison ….doing this to any animal – next it will be children ……….. Then what………the Judge is also an asshole…..

  15. Fkn Scumbag….. and Fk the system who allowed this cockroach to have those poor Dogs back in his possession….. I truly hope Lorenzo that one day someone fks you up to the point that you aren’t even capable of doing something like this cause you’re paralyzed due to the beating you receive! Fk you – I pray you suffer the rest of your miserable life!!!!!

  16. Take this local judge and whip him so he knows what the victims that were returned to their abuser experienced. Also take the f-ing asshole that did it and peel his hide off.
    This is beyond horrendous on both counts

  17. Diane+johnson says:

    Ada Ferguson: WHY WOULD YOU GIVE THiS POS BACK 3 OTHER DoGS….WHY!!!! Texas is one of the worst places for animal neglect and abuse!!!! I moved here 3 years ago and have been involved as an animal activist in other states….TEXAS is horrendous for abuse!!!! PLEASE reconsider giving back 3 dogs and go pick them up immediately and DO NOT EVER LET THIS POS OWN OR BE AROUND ANY OTHER ANIMALS. IT ALL STARTS WITH THE JUSTICE SYSTEM TO STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY AND GIVE MAX FELONY CHARGES !!!!

  18. MICHAEL BAVARO says:


  19. Beat the sh*t out of this pos. Judges don’t care about these poor FURBABIES. Just let me have two minutes with this po💩. He won’t beat on anymore animals. Monsters him and the judge for giving the poor FURBABIES back to this bas**rd. They just don’t have a heart.

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24447 Signatures

  • Lissa F
  • Alana Willroth
  • Michael Brinkman
  • jacci russ
  • Kerstin Herrmann
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Kelly Glendening
  • azia cassell
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