Stop Imprisoning Pregnant Pigs in Tiny Metal Cages

Target: Chris Kempczinski, McDonald’s U.S. President

Goal: Ban the use of gestation crates for pregnant pigs on McDonald’s supply farms.

Pigs are among the world’s most intelligent mammals. They are highly social, form close bonds with people and other animals, and possess strong maternal instincts. Still, pigs are subjected to gross mistreatment on factory farms each and every day. Female pigs, or sows, are viewed by the industry as “breeding machines” and are expected to produce upwards of 20-40 piglets a year, with little to no recovery time in between litters. To make matters worse, pregnant pigs are often confined to what is known as a gestation crate– a restrictive metal enclosure not large enough for pigs to even turn around in. These crates prohibit pigs from engaging in natural social behaviors and, in turn, cause severe physical and emotional duress. The stress combined with an overall lack of movement results in a series of health problems, such as tooth damage from excessive chewing and weakened joints. These problems typically go undiagnosed and pigs rarely receive proper treatment.

Though banned in several states and countries like the UK and Sweden, gestation crates are still entirely legal throughout much of the U.S. and are used by some of the nation’s largest and most powerful food corporations. Carl Icahn, a shareholder of the McDonald’s franchise, just recently lost his fight to improve the welfare standards of pigs on McDonald’s supply farms. Icahn claims that, although McDonald’s had previously committed to the banning the use of gestation crates for pregnant pigs by 2022, no such actions have been taken.

Sign this petition to urge the president of McDonald’s to follow through with their promised ban of gestation crates on McDonald’s supply farms.


Dear President Kempczinski,

Pigs on factory farms everywhere suffer from many sources of neglect, all in the name of human consumption. Female pigs, in particular, are heavily exploited by current industrial farming practices. Female pigs on factory farms are repeatedly artificially impregnated and are forced to reside in small metal chambers– known as gestation crates– throughout the duration of their pregnancies. These pigs, which bear the next generation of meat for yours’ and other companies, are unable to even turn around or walk much more than a few steps in these crates. They live atop their own filth and disease runs rampant among them due to their close confines. Oftentimes, these pigs will develop health problems, such as arthritis, as a result of their inability to move or use their joints. The lack of stimulation and socialization for these intelligent animals causes severe emotional stress, which typically also has physical ramifications– neither of which receive treatment.

We must do better to protect the mothers of our Earth. If big corporations, such as McDonald’s, make changes in gestation crate policies, perhaps others will follow in your footsteps. Several other countries and multiple states have already banned this cruel practice in an attempt to improve animal welfare standards on their own farms. So we are asking you, Mr. Kempczinski, to please follow through with your company’s promise to ban the use of gestation crates on McDonald’s supply farms once and for all. The pigs deserve better.


[Your Name here]

Photo Credit: Humane Society


  1. quinten putnam says:

    This is no way to treat a living breathing and feeling being!!!! All you have to do is ask yourself is this a life I would choose to lead???

  2. That is immoral unethical barbaric!
    I am disgusted with my own specie the so called humans!! Let’s ban this horrific abuse!!!

  3. How can anyone treat a living intelligent creature this way. I cannot imagine the suffering these pregnant pigs go through all their life until that are no longer useful and then are shipped off to a slaughterhouse. Shame on McDonalds and any other company for abusing pigs in this way. It’s disgraceful!

  4. Do this, plus don’t use factory farm food.

  5. This is shameful human behavior! Ditch meat and Dairy and save ALL these innocent lives.

  6. What kind of fucking monsters does this????

  7. It’s beyond cruel and disgusting that pigs are disrespected and treated horrifically before being killed to be someone’s dinner. These animals deserve respect and kindness!



  8. Although this is described only in general terms (relaying only the basic idea), the conditions described and the inevitable, resulting arthritis causes excessive, chronic, physical pain. It literally is extreme animal cruelty to force defenseless animals to exist in these sickening (literally) conditions. There is no justification for it. Also, Adult Pigs are highly intelligent and know what is happening to them. They know they are being mechanically raped. Ofcourse they do. Can you imagine what it is you experience that? Female pigs are inclined to love, bond with ,and protect their young and each other. Mother pigs have a unique call for each of their young. All this deprives them of everything natural to them mentally, emotionally,and physically.Yet,forcibly, Mechanically raping females hassimply become matter of fact without a thought. Even worse, these tiny cages termed “gestation crates” forces them to endure a lifetime of not only anguish but immense physical pain and suffering. Regarding them as things instead of sentient, feeling creatures because they are “raised as food” does not change what they are. Providing them with decent living conditions is not heroic but merely the most basic humanity. You certainly can manage that! Stop the gestation crates immediately. That is what should have already been done! Instead countless animals lived and died under these despicable conditions. You made a commitment to do it by 2022. That is now. This has always been cruel and wrong. Fix it. BE DECENT.

  9. This is despicable… I cannot fathom this cruelty. There are no words. Pigs are so intelligent…. this is beyond cruel. Humans can be such greedy, self-serving and heartless bastards.

  10. Julia Edinger says:

    “ Although this is described only in general terms (relaying only the basic idea), the conditions described and the inevitable, resulting arthritis causes excessive, chronic, physical pain. It literally is extreme animal cruelty to force defenseless animals to exist in these sickening (literally) conditions. There is no justification for it. Also, Adult Pigs are highly intelligent and know what is happening to them. They know they are being mechanically raped. Ofcourse they do. Can you imagine what it is you experience that? Female pigs are inclined to love, bond with ,and protect their young and each other. Mother pigs have a unique call for each of their young. All this deprives them of everything natural to them mentally, emotionally,and physically.Yet,forcibly, Mechanically raping females hassimply become matter of fact without a thought. Even worse, these tiny cages termed “gestation crates” forces them to endure a lifetime of not only anguish but immense physical pain and suffering. Regarding them as things instead of sentient, feeling creatures because they are “raised as food” does not change what they are. Providing them with decent living conditions is not heroic but merely the most basic humanity. You certainly can manage that! Stop the gestation crates immediately. That is what should have already been done! Instead countless animals lived and died under these despicable conditions. You made a commitment to do it by 2022. That is now. This has always been cruel and wrong. Fix it. BE DECENT. “

  11. Imagine the mental and physical pain these living emotional beings suffer every second of the day. From the petitions we sign we also know how their babies are abused; screaming in pain and fear and these mothers can’t even move. Now imagine yourself imprisoned this way. How MAN as a whole treats other living beings; way too many people should be referred to as the most evil beings choosing to commit such atrocities to the innocent. By no means are such demons superior beings.

  12. Susan Kramer says:

    Stop the intense and brutal suffering of these helpless, innocent animals!

  13. People – please ditch meat and dairy! This appears to be the only way to get these sentient beings out of gestation crates. Humans are the most awful species on this planet!

  14. Also stop the use of the shock if they try to lay down. A tray is under their chin and if their chin hits the tray when they try to lay down, it gives them a jolt. This was invented so the sows wouldn’t lay on their babies. These corporations are made up of greedy sadistic humans .

  15. Maria Lavorato says:

    MACDONALD has your greed to limit? Impregnate all the MacDonald executives that approve these horrific conditions!

    Chris Kempczinski, McDonald’s U.S. President KEEP YOUR WORD!!!!

  16. Alicia Hecht says:

    Propostion 12 was suppose to go into effect January 1st 2022. The meat industry tried and pospone it. Well from what I understand, times up. Well it is now June 2022 can anyone say lawsuit, can anyone say penalties, can anyone say really bad publicity for McDonalds. Enough is enough, do the humane thing, and give these moms the room they deserve to raise their babies. Shame on you President Kempczinski, and shame on you MacDonalds corporation for allowing this man to represent McDonalds.

  17. Imprison in small cages pregnant female humans
    Pay back. Hate babies, anyways. Grows up to be more human waste .


  19. melissa leith says:

    STOP EATING MEAT everyone. This is so very cruel, I agree, so 29 years ago I stopped eating meat. That’s how you can make all this cruelty STOP. We do not need to eat meat. I, and many others, don’t eat it. We are all fine. Perfectly healthy. There are lots of other things to eat. Animal products and using animals for our purposes ALWAYS translates to a level of cruelty and suffering for the animals. Just stop. Be part of the solution. All these years without meat, and now 14 years without dairy and animal products, I am fine. I am healthy. If we know this cruelty occurs, and no doubt it does and it is wrong, lets make it stop. Every individual person contributes to this, and every individual who says NO and changes their actions, creates a ripple. That makes change. Using animals for meat, dairy, wool, fur… this is imprisonment and slavery and cruelty. It is wrong when it happens to human beings, and it is wrong for all other living beings as well! Everyone who reads this, please make some changes to what you do.

  20. Sophie D. says:

    It is completely unconscionable and immoral to treat ANY animal this way. This has been an industry practice for decades. How evil and monstrous humans can be. Please ban all such torturous crates now.

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