33 Dogs and Two Children Reportedly Found With Guns, Drugs, Dog-Fighting Equipment, and No Food Deserve Justice

Target: State Attorney, Bruce Bartlett, Pinellas and Pasco Counties
Goal: Prosecute man accused of abusing 33 pit bulls and two children to the fullest extent of the law.

Thirty-three pit bulls, including multiple puppies, and two children, were reportedly rescued from a terrifying home that had guns, drugs, and no food. The man accused of this horrible abuse has been arrested and is facing possible prosecution. We are asking the prosecutor to pursue the maximum penalty in this case.

According to reports, law enforcement responded to the man’s home after they received a complaint about dogs barking at the residence. When deputies arrived at the home, they reportedly discovered countless handmade kennels in the backyard, dog-fighting equipment, guns, ammo, and cocaine. And what they didn’t find, apparently, was food for the children.

The two children, both younger than 14, were apparently in the home without food or supplies. Authorities confiscated all of the dogs, placed the children in protective services, and arrested the man suspected to be responsible for this alleged abuse.

The suspect has been charged with three dozen crimes, including felony child neglect, aggravated cruelty to animals, animal cruelty, cocaine possession and felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition. Unfortunately, bail was set at $157,000, but so far, the accused has been unable to post it. Justice must be served in this case.


Dear State Attorney, Bruce Bartlett,

A man was recently arrested in your jurisdiction for the alleged abuse of 33 dogs and 2 children. According to reports, deputies responded to the man’s house after they received a noise complaint. Upon investigation, they apparently discovered evidence of dog-fighting, illegal weapons and drugs, and two children without food or supplies.

If the above allegations are true, this man should face a very lengthy prison sentence. Animal abuse and child abuse are some of the most serious crimes, and are often taken too lightly by prosecuting attorneys. Don’t allow this man to get away with these alleged crimes. Please seek the maximum penalty in this case.

[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office


  1. Michelle says:

    Please….. Put these disgusting humans behind bars!

  2. Punish this criminal to the fullest extent!!!

  3. Susan Kulikowski says:

    This horrible man needs to be locked up and then throw away the key. He should NOT be allowed to be near any children or animals.

  4. Possibly…Alleged…We all know who did it. It’s way past time the USA made some laws that would stop this shit.
    Where are neighbours when this is going on. 33 pitbulls in a yard are not pets. Did these kids go to school. Was any reports about them made from school.
    All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

  5. This human monster needs to be permanently eliminated. I suggest capital punishment because these animal abusers and dog fighters and child abusers don’t need to inflict themselves on our planet or our innocent animals any longer. They need to be eliminated the minute they are found.

  6. Nadine brundage says:

    Unbelievable what is walking the planet and I bet this one gets out without any consequences because our wonderful justice system lets these creeps out to start over again. Abusers of animals and children will keep rising because we allow it to happen and the scum out there know it. This country is going down the tubes because no one does their job of putting these subhumans behind bars and off the streets.

    • Jaime Perez says:

      You are absolutely right! Our justice system is very flawed when it comes to cases like this. This person deserves the death penalty!!

      • Agree! If they would start killing these monsters instead of feeding them in jail with tax payers money, perhaps we could see less evil and abuse.

  7. Dump this cowardly bastard in a gator Pitt with 33 six foot gators to abuse! Then justice would be served. THREVIS NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE!!!

  8. Samina+Araf says:

    Pure evilness! How many dogs died before this evil scum was caught. If it was up to me I’d hand him upside down over a lake filled with crocodiles and leave him there suspended for a few days before I snipped the rope. Punish him to the full extent of the law which isn’t good enough and ban him from ever keeping an animal again!!!

  9. ….. And those guns fire real bullets, Mister !

  10. Pos scumbags, put them in prison with the biggest dudes, let those dudes know children n animals were abused! Those guys in jail will give them exactly what they deserve!!

  11. Jaime Perez says:

    Throw this freaking monster in prison for the rest of his miserable, worthless life. Not only did he abuse dogs, he has abused two innocent children. He deserves NO mercy. Don’t let him walk the streets ever again!!

  12. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    In addition to prosecuting him for multiple counts of egregious animal and child abuse and cruelty, MAKE HIM PAY ALL VET BILLS AND MEDICAL BILLS to restore both the animals and children to full health, IMMEDIATELY SEIZE ALL LIVING BEINGS on his property and BAN him from ever purchasing, owning, caring for, working with or living with any animals or children ever again.

  13. Shirley Lewis says:

    THROW this PO GARBAGE UNDER the Jail & Forget about him FOREVER!!! PUNISH him to the FULLEST EXTENT of the law!!!

  14. Dog fighting is extreme, deliberate animal cruelty on every level. Imparting anything less than the maximum fines and sentencing only results in an open door for it to continue. Every case and every sentence counts in this regard.In addition to the absolute maximum fine (10k plus,I hope) and prison, a permenant ban on any ownership or unsupervised interaction with animals is a must. No society that deems itself civilized can tolerate this.I implore you to MAKE THE STATEMENT FOR ZERO TOLERANCE. Thank you.

  15. Why do we even have to sign these petitions for low life, disgusting and heartless people? This is a no-brainer decision. Put these people behind bars for life! Nothing gets accomplished without severe penalties for these dirtbag people. And it won’t stop until they are all caught. May God take care of the helpless animals who are brought into this world and have to live these horrendous lives.

  16. The inhumanity of some humans never ceases to amaze me. People like this should be executed!

  17. Why wasn’t his name published??? Jail is too good for this asshole-he deserves to be tortured! People will keep committing these types of crimes and animal abuse since they have nothing to fear. It’s time to change that now!!! Torture -not free room and board in jail!! God bless all the animals and kids…

  18. This monster deserves to sit in prison! Let the other prisoners pound on him! Those dogs and children need loving homes.

  19. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Euthanize the people responsible for this.

  20. teresa zamalloa says:

    I wish the ‘death penalty’ could be applied in this case!
    Abominable men like him ‘shouldn’t be alive’!

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