Puppy Who Apparently Endured Bone-Breaking, Head-Busting Assault Deserves Justice

Target: Tara Miltimore, MA Cape and Islands Assistant District Attorney

Goal: Punish man accused of hurting puppy to fullest extent if he is convicted.

“I am a good man. I didn’t mean to hurt the dog.” Shane Tank made this claim at his pre-trial hearing for animal cruelty. The injuries reportedly sustained by the twelve-week-old dog in question, Pongo, seem to tell a different story. This animal suffered head trauma, lung injuries, and broken bones.

Tank claims that he merely tossed the puppy off the bed after the animal became aggressive. Investigators, however, have stated that the serious harm done to the dog could only have been caused if he was thrown with a tremendous amount of force. The suspect also says that he loves this animal from whom he has been barred contact. Yet his seeming brand of love could have cost an innocent puppy his life before it even truly began.

Sign the petition below to demand justice in this disturbing case.


Dear Ms. Miltimore,

The request from prosecutors that animal cruelty defendant Shane Tank’s name not be initially released to the public signals the potential continuation of a troubling trend in the legal system: the lack of vigilance in holding alleged abusers accountable. Mr. Tank seems very concerned about the damage done to his reputation. But what about the possible permanent damage inflicted to his alleged victim?

Please do not let this case slip through the cracks or fall victim to an overly lenient plea deal, as has happened with so many other similar incidents. Animal abusers often escalate to other crimes, and they present a clear and present danger to the community. Seek the maximum possible penalty in the event of a conviction.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Albina White


  1. Debra Spurrier says:

    Another day another sociopathic piece of human sh*t who has committed another horrific unspeakable crime against an innocent vulnerable helpless baby. There will be no justice for this victim. Never is there justice when the victim is a nonhuman. Never. Our laws are a joke when it comes to protecting the other animals. There will be little, if any, consequences for this worthless piece of sh*t. And tomorrow there will be another equally horrific unspeakable crime reported and another petition to sign.

    • TOTALLY AGREE!!!!!!!!!!! Poor, helpless animals victims of these heartless evil doers!!!!!!!!! SO SAD!!!!!!!!! ALL animals deserve to be treated with love and kindness!!!!!!!!!

    • SERIOUS HARM REQUIRES SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES. Please,I implore you to respond to this cruelty which almost killed this defenseless animal with the consequences appreciate to the crime.Please impart the maximum penalties available by law.Also a van for life from owning or unsupervised interaction with an animal is a must.This individual is even now still in denial of his own actions. Please, your honor,impart the permenant ban.Inspite of his feelings and claims,no defenseless animal can ever being this individual’s care and keeping.We must go by actions and evidence,not words.

  2. This asshole needs to die!!!

  3. Good man my arse!!! You are a coward and a bully!!
    You disgust me! Good men do not hurt defenceless animals!!!!
    You total twat!

  4. Ann hart says:

    Let’s all stand in line to give this so called “man” the same treatment! 12 week old puppy who is aggressive… What a load of shit! He’s a horrible person & should be in jail & forbidden to be around or own any animal for life!!!

  5. Another piece of shit who needs to die!!!

  6. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Shane Tank is just another example of a violent individual who takes his rage out on a defenseless and innocent baby puppy. A puppy who is in the development stages of life. A life with life long injuries and all at the hands of this monster. No matter how many times Shane Tank pleads that this was an accident and that he loves the puppy, keep in mind the trauma, force, and abuse that went into causing these severe injuries to this innocent animal.

  7. Esta basura inhumana, merece ser castigada con todo el peso de la ley!!!!

  8. Raymond Stevens says:

    This piece of shit should be strangled to death.


  10. p.pucher says:

    If this was done to a person, it would be assault. The perp in jail. But if it’s done to a pet or animal, it’s oh well. Pets and animals have feelings. They are living breathing creatures.
    Shane Tank should be locked up. Life long ban on owning or being around pets and animals! He injured that sweet innocent pup! He claims the pup was aggressive…..so what did he to the pup? Find that pup a new home where he is treated like family!

  11. Andrea+Chisari says:

    Fry this POS before he “accidentally” does this to a child.

  12. Dear God please do not put this trial in front any ignorant judge who believes any 12 week old puppy is aggressive unless the little baby is already terrified and is trying to protect itself.

  13. A “man” who does this is evil and capable of doing great harm. We need harsher laws.

  14. Really a 12 week old puppy became aggressive. Just being a pup and you asshole threw him. I hope you pay for all his medical expenses and his care until he gets a new home that will love him. They need to strap you to a wrecking ball and swing you into the side of a building so you can see what the innocent pup experienced.

  15. Josie Oliveri says:

    Opps sorry I did not mean to bash your f g ugly skull in. YES I DID

  16. Carolyn Ecton says:

    Tara Miltimore, MA Cape and Islands Assistant District Attorney,
    PLEASE Do right by all innocent animals in your state and set the example for others to follow. I have worked with dogs over 40 years. There is NO WAY A 12-WEEK OLD PUPPY CAN BECOME AGGRESSIVE to the point violence at the hands of a human is necessary. This sick behavior will never end as long as those in the legal profession keep making excuses for perpetrators.

  17. Doris Alpern says:

    Good people do not cause such injuries to a puppy. He is less of a man to try and talk his way out of animal abuse and torture. He must have been doing something to make that dog bite him. He must face punishment with his rage in prison and he must pay the vet bills. He should not be allowed to own animals since he has shown he doesn’t love or like them. We must pass harsher laws against animal abuse because people don’t take innocent lives as important.

  18. Susan Kulikowski says:

    Animal abusers should rot in prison for the rest of their miserable lives. It might be a 12 week old puppy now, but the next victim might be a child or vulnerable adult. Our judicial system is way too lenient with these POS abusers. This creep should never be around animals or children. Prison is where he belongs!

  19. Sandy Menden says:

    Shane Tank should receive the death penalty!!!!!!

  20. Fetia+Faggiano says:

    A Good man would Not do this u evil scum

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