Poodle Reportedly Found Starving With Band Wrapped Around Mouth Deserves Justice

Target: Suffolk County, Massachusetts District Attorney Kevin Hayden

Goal: Give prison sentence to the person who allegedly wrapped a band tightly around a dog’s muzzle and left the animal to fend for herself.

A poodle mix was injured because a band was allegedly wrapped tightly around her muzzle for days. The person reportedly responsible for this crime needs to be justly punished under the law to better ensure other animals will not suffer.

The poodle was not able to eat as a result of the alleged incident. Police indicated that her nose was extremely swollen and that the muzzle had a foul smell to it. She had surgery and was given antibiotics since her injuries were severe.

Police found the dog’s former caretaker, and they are currently seeking charges against the individual. Sign this petition to demand the person spend time behind bars if it is found they are guilty of such horrific animal cruelty.


Dear District Attorney Hayden,

A dog was allegedly found running around with a tight band wrapped around her muzzle. Whoever is reportedly responsible for this abuse needs to spend time in prison so that other animals will be less likely to endure the same fate.

According to reports, the band kept the muzzle in place, and the dog was unable to eat. Investigators said she lost an unhealthy amount of weight and smelled awful, which is likely what contributed to her developing an infection. The dog had to have surgery to bring down the inflammation of her nose and was also prescribed antibiotics.

Authorities were able to track down the last owner of the poodle, and they are in the process of pressing charges. For the above reasons, I demand the suspect be given a strict legal sentence if it is found they are responsible for abusing and abandoning this helpless animal.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Choiwangmo9


  1. Kill the MONSTER that did this HORRIFIC CRUELTY!!!! Pray the little dog is recovering and gets a good home. So happy she was rescued!!!

  2. mary+gibson says:

    There are so many evil, cruel people in this world!!

  3. Jane Todaro says:

    Whoever committed this atrocious act of animal cruelty should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal — or a child or incapacitated adult — ever again!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH SOME PEOPLE??????!!!!!!!!

  4. Jaime Perez says:

    Whoever did this is a soulless devil. The monster needs to spend the rest of his/her life in prison! Poor little dog, I’m so glad he was rescued and I hope he heals and goes to a good loving family.

  5. Harming innocent animals who can’t defend themselves should be a prison sentence. It is happening too often and animals aren’t getting the justice they deserve!!!
    If we can’t protect them and get justice for them, WHO WILL ???????

  6. This is Torture! Abuse! Do the same for this POS. Lock him up with an animal lover and let him spend the rest of his life regretting the cruelty of his actions to an innocent creature. Be the voice for this poor animal and all the others tortured by the evilness in humans.

  7. Julia Edinger says:

    I AGREE WITH “ Patricia+Wicker
    Kill the MONSTER that did this HORRIFIC CRUELTY!!!! Pray the little dog is recovering and gets a good home. So happy she was rescued!!! “ …..

  8. Agree all comments. Wrap tape around his mouth and penis so he cant eat . This is horrific and needs to be full extent of the law kill this cunt . Laws need to change to own breed sell animals too much of animal cruelty . What’s wrong with fucking people and courts need to change and deal with these fuckers. these people need same treatment . Also should be checks before having animals.

  9. Kat Gonzalez says:

    Prison no early release 10 years at least, no probation, never to be NEAR an animal again or back to prison. Let those guys take care of this scum of the earth.

  10. An eye for an eye! NO MERCY FOR THIS BITCH!!!

  11. Michelle Stewart says:

    The bastard is guilty and must be severely charged. He must spend 12 years in prison with no early parole, pay a $500,000 fine, and be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again. The poodle must be adopted out and not given back to him. Any other animals must be seized and adopted out as well.

  12. Why is this mother-fucker still breathing? He or she should have been tortured until they died. A bullet is too quick for them. I would bet that there are some people in this world that enjoy torturing people and they would just love to get a hold of this piece of shit. I’d like to see him or her tortured. Video tape it and put in on pay-per-view. I bet whoever would film this would become a millionaire from all the animal lovers that would love to see this happen. I’d gladly pay $500.00 to see a video of the torture. And his or her screams would be music to my ears. I am so sick of seeing animal torturers get a slap on the wrist by the law. If you want to see real justice, keep the law out of it. They are going to do little or nothing to these pieces of shit.

  13. Mercedes Hausler says:

    Punish that person. Better not say that dog was lost and that the reason it was in such condition. The fact that band was put on was to starve her to death. Where is she? Has she been adopted?

  14. Poor baby! Hope she finds a good home or have her sent to me in California


  16. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Luckily this person was tracked down. This is such a horrible crime. What kind of person does that? A monster. A control and possessive abuser who took advantage of an innocent little being and wrapped their mouth shut. Can you imagine if this dog was not found? A horrible death would have occurred. This scumbag deserves to have their mouth taped shut and left for dead. I hope the Law in Massachusetts recognizes just how severe of a crime this is against an innocent animal.

  17. The person/persons that did this to this precious animal needs to be punished and prosecuted. This is not fair to this dog to have to go through that. Far as I’m concerned they’ll get there’s in the end. Animals are God’s creations.

  18. This bastard needs a cable-tie pulling tight around his dick so he cannot pee.
    Then fed a load of water until he is bursting to go and then a couple of paving slabs on his stomach. When he is laying down (beaten to the ground to be clear)
    Then left to virtually explode as he cannot piss.

    Sorry if this sounds a little sick to any readers but this is the only way callous fuckers like this will learn what it feels like to have the same treatment. ‘Bastard’.

    I really hope there are some animal activists who will show this shitbag the error of his ways and then post it on the web to make an example.
    Power to any vigilante groups out there.
    Prison is too soft for these wankers. They need to feel what it is like to be tortured.
    Bastards all of them.

    • Melinda+Maddox says:

      Oh boy do you have that right.
      I hate animal abusers

    • Apparently, the perpetrator was a woman. I actually thought in my reply above that it was a man.
      So it just goes to show that woman can be just as sadistic as any male.
      Again, just five minutes with her is all I would need for her to be begging for death.
      Just hope that someone could take the fucker out painfully on a dark night – Bastard!!

  19. Raynesha McGhee-Reed says:

    I’m praying 4 this poor dog 2 be recovering & be put into a good home & This Horrible Individual Needs 2 be Rotting in Hell 4 such Horrific Animal Cruelty!!!!

  20. Melinda+Maddox says:

    I pray this person gets the maximum number of days one can get for animal cruelty
    I hate animal abusers!!!

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