Dogs Reportedly Found Dead in Freezer in Filthy House Deserve Justice

Target: Utah County, Utah Attorney David O. Leavitt

Goal: Punish woman for allegedly allowing dogs to live in filth and do not allow her to own pets.

A woman allegedly stuffed fifteen dogs in bags and threw them inside her freezer. Another dog was found dead near their kennel, possibly as a result of neglect. Fourteen others were further removed from the home after they were reportedly discovered to be living in their own urine and feces. The woman allegedly responsible for this neglect needs to spend time in prison and be banned from having animals if she is found guilty of these crimes, so that other dogs will be less likely to endure the same fate.

Authorities stated that the dogs were aggressive and said two of the animals bit them. Sadly, they will not be able to be adopted out unless or until they can be trained to develop friendly manners toward humans. Past reports indicate that police searched the woman’s home in 2018 when 14 other dogs were thought to be living in similar conditions. Surprisingly, only 10 of the animals were taken from the household. Sign this petition to demand none of the dogs rescued from the current situation be returned to her and to also insist she receive a strict legal sentence if it is found she committed this inexcusable animal cruelty.


Dear County Attorney Leavitt,

Fourteen dogs were reportedly living in their own waste inside a woman’s messy home. She allegedly also stored fifteen dead dogs in plastic bags inside her freezer. Another dog was said to be deceased inside the home. She must be arrested and no longer be legally allowed to have pets if it is found these allegations are true to better ensure other animals will not be harmed.

According to authorities, the dogs’ behaviors were similar to those of feral animals, likely because they were never taught how to properly interact with people. Unfortunately, the local shelter will not be able to put the dogs up for adoption unless they learn how to act more amicably toward humans. If this cannot be accomplished, these dogs will likely be euthanized. It is unconscionable that the dogs recently discovered may have suffered under this woman’s care, since deputies removed many others from her home in 2018 after investigating a separate animal cruelty incident. Instead of letting her keep four of those dogs, they should have all been taken away if mistreatment was suspected.

For these reasons, I demand you suggest this woman suffer appropriate consequences and that she no longer be allowed around animals if it is found any dogs suffered or died while under her care.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Mikapon


  1. philip carline says:


  2. This woman has repeatedly shown she is an animal abuser!! What else will it take to have her punished SEVERELY ? She should not have been allowed to have animals after the first time !! SOMEONE PUNISH THESE PEOPLE AND STOP ANIMAL ABUSE !!!!! SPEAK OUT FOR ABUSED ANIMALS, BECAUSE THEY CAN’T SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES !!!!

  3. Tami+Lukachy says:

    Should do the same to her! These people need consequences! I’m sick of a slap on the hand! No more these pieces of crap are useless to society- they should suffer the same as they dished out! Killing them would help society and save animals. That’s justice!

  4. Carrington Petras says:

    The greatness of a nation and its MORAL PROGRESS can be judged by the way it treats its animals.

  5. Why do we keep having to ask for justice….why would it not be automatic?????

  6. Cheryl+Miller says:

    This woman is disgusting, cruel, sick and unfit to ever have animals!!! She is responsible for this neglect needs to spend time in prison and be banned from having animals. Fine her and make her do community work as well. What a horrible person!! Those poor dogs!!! So sad!

  7. Ban this bitch from ever owning pets and animals for life! Put her nasty ass in jail. SHE MURDERED THOSE INNOCENT DOGS!
    Prayers sweet babies and Godspeed!

  8. Susan Kulikowski says:

    This horrible woman should never be in the company of dogs, let alone have them in her possession. Hopefully, the dogs will be trained and be able to be adopted. This situation could have been alleviated if she had been under scrutiny after the first incident when dogs had been confiscated and they allowed her to keep four of them. Too bad that it had to go this far. She should never have any animals in her home ever again.

  9. Should do the same to the SCUM!

  10. Obviously this animal abuser and killer has some form of mental illness and should NEVER be allowed around animals OR children! She is a menace to society!

  11. This dumb pig can’t even wipe her own dumb *ss, let alone care for many animals! This turd needs to be brought behind the barn and 🎯

  12. MICHAEL BAVARO says:


  13. This low-life cold-blooded heartless scumbag needs to pay for the pain, suffering and TRAUMA she caused these poor dogs! This is unconscionable, sickening, INFURIATING and UNACCEPTABLE.

  14. Pauline Waskiewicz says:

    This woman should be institutionalized for mental health issues. If elderly she may have dementia and not even know what to do! The authorities dropped the ball on this one. I hope they don’t drop it again. And where the H### is her family!!!?? 😡

  15. Please do not let this monster have any poor animals. She belongs in prison — in a freezer! Fur babies need love and compassion. Then they won’t become aggressive.

  16. My god horrendous abuse

  17. Throw her in the freezer

  18. Take this subhuman BITCH and throw her in a bag and put her in the freezer and lock the door. Let her freeze to death that is the ONLY Justice for these poor innocent animals that didn’t ask to be in her care.

  19. SADISTIC BITCH!!! This is Horrendous!! Throw the Bitch in Freezer and let her Die!!! DO NOT DROP THE BALL ON THIS ONE!!!! NO MORE A SLAP ON THE HAND!! THIS IS BARBARIC!

  20. Joan Rosenfeld says:

    She must be severely punished
    She should be in a mental institution
    Throw this monster in jail for murder

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