Pomeranian Pup Apparently Dead From Malicious Head Wound Deserves Justice

Target: Charme P. Allen, District Attorney General of Knox County, TN

Goal: Prosecute alleged fatal animal cruelty case involving young dog to the fullest extent.

Animal emergency clinics see perhaps more than any outlet the devastating effects of animal cruelty. A Tennessee-based animal emergency and specialty center apparently saw one such case and reported suspicions to local authorities. As a result, Timothy Cox was taken into custody on charges of aggravated cruelty.

The case involves a Pomeranian pup just ten months old. The dog, named Bentley, was admitted after he reportedly suffered head trauma described as severe. Tragically, Bentley soon died due to his injuries. A medical report for the dog suggests that a person—and not another source—caused the life-ending trauma. Cox now faces charges because he was allegedly the only individual with custody of Bentley at the time of the incident.

This dog’s life ended before it even really began, and he deserves justice. Sign the petition below to demand the maximum possible punishment if the accused is found guilty.


Dear Ms. Allen,

Animal cruelty is an insidious, underreported, and often under-punished crime. These atrocious acts are also often gateway crimes to serious offenses against humans. A system that takes the process of putting animal abusers behind bars seriously is a system that will increase its odds of enforcing true law and order.

A young ten-month-old dog recently died in Knoxville from suspected animal cruelty. The man charged with this alleged offense, Timothy Cox, now awaits his day in court within your jurisdiction. Please prosecute this case with vigilance and ensure this man spends a fitting amount of time in jail if he is found guilty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Dids


  1. HE MURDERED THIS POOR INNOCENT PUPPY! Thug ass. He is a danger to pets and animals and people! Lock his ugly self up in jail where he belongs! God speed sweet baby

  2. Michelle Stewart says:

    That bastard is guilty and must be severely charged. He must spend 8 years in prison with no early parole, must pay a $500,000 fine, and be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again. I wish we had “an eye for an eye”. That bastard deserves to have the exact same thing done to him and him not survive

  3. what in the hell could a young puppy have done to cause this low life POS to kill him? He is a low life bastard that needs to be struck in the head as well…an eye for an eye…only cowards prey on weaker creatures….I hope he NEVER has a good day for the rest of his miserable life.

  4. Pamela+Hengst says:

    RIP little puppy. Cox is apparently a sadistic piece of trash who must be locked up. He is probably just another bully who can only feel good about his sorry self if he hurts someone smaller and weaker. Disgusting!

    • Joanne Bradley says:

      Agree with your comments. This cowardly pos should be locked up as he is a danger to all in society. He must be banned for life from owning animals as he will no doubt murder more innocent animals. Make an example of this evil moron to show animal abuse will not be tolerated. Poor pup, no animal deserves to be abused mistreated and murdered, hope Cox rots in hell where he belongs !

  5. Anymore, every cruel human should get the same back!!

  6. Cheryl+Miller says:

    Justice for this poor little dog!!! Throw him in jail, fine him, community trash pick up for months and NEVER allow him to have pets or kids!!! Sicko!!

  7. Nadine brundige says:

    This Cox needs to be put away in the nearest mental institution. Only a subhuman scum could commit such horrific cruelty on a little puppy. Do not let this monster off with the usual slap on the wrist, unfit to walk the planet.

  8. how anyone could harm a small dog as this or any animal makes ne sick to my stomach
    I have a pomeranian puppy and they are the most intelligent dogs I have ever know they love to please their owners and showing off and are very affectionate, I hope karma does not wait to long to meet this heartless person

  9. John Costanzo says:

    Jail this filthy savage POS!!!!

  10. Timothy Cox Is evil incarnate. This deserves a felony charge, jail time, fines and most importantly…BAN HIM FOR LIFE FROM OWNING OR HAVING AN ANIMAL IN HIS CARE.

  11. Dianne MacDonald says:

    You can’t get an lower than this scumbag!! Big man!,killing a little defenseless animal.I hope you get the karms you deserve you cowardly piece of shit!!!!

  12. Beating on a defenseless little animal…smdh It’s about time they started giving these POS fkrs the same sentences for killing animals as they do for killing humans. Or just bring him to me and I’ll beat his fkn ass to death. Hopefully he’ll at least get put in a cell with Big Bubba for a while and have a sore ass the rest of his life.

  13. Kathleen Scherman says:

    He doesn’t deserve the air we breath!!! If you let him off at some point, cut off his Manhood and both hands first!!


  15. How can anyone do this to a tiny little breathing companion? That man is psycho!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Debra Spurrier says:

    Yet another unspeakable horrific crime committed by yet another sociopathic piece of human sh*t monster. Even if this monster is held accountable, the punishment will not even come close to fitting the crime. Because never is there justice when the victim is a nonhuman. Never. Our laws are grossly lacking, and often nonexistent, when it comes to protecting the other animals–the most innocent vulnerable beings among us:(((

  17. Cowardly asshole, needs to be kept away from all small children and all animals!!!

  18. This poor dog needs justice. There is no excuse for such cruelty. That monster deserves to be in the electric chair!

  19. Nancy Chiodo says:

    This pos is a dangerous psychopath & must be locked up for life. Otherwise, he will move on to humans. Never let this subhuman be near another animal!

  20. Shameful and contemptible. Maximum jail
    time for the piece of trash!

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23219 Signatures

  • Michael Brinkman
  • Jamie Chow
  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Kelly Glendening
  • Azia Cassell
  • wesley burnett
  • Cecil Woolley
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