Elderly Yorkie Reportedly Killed on Camera Deserves Justice

Target: Lisa Smittcamp, District Attorney of Fresno County, CA

Goal: Prosecute man accused of killing elderly dog to the fullest extent.

A beloved 16-year-old family dog lost his life in an alleged act of animal cruelty. Surveillance footage apparently captured the dog, named Artie, being grabbed by a man outside of the property where the animal lived. The video seems to show the man moving away from the camera and returning a short time later with the now-deceased dog, whom he puts in a garbage can and leaves. Authorities reportedly identified the suspect as Aaron Cumpton, who now faces animal cruelty charges.

While Cumpton has been barred from unsupervised contact with animals, he was not jailed while he awaited legal proceedings. He has pled not guilty, despite the video evidence seemingly implicating him. This suspect also now faces accusations that he killed another pet dog while house-sitting for a different family. The dog in the separate case had apparently sustained severe and ultimately lethal neck injuries under Cumpton’s care.

This possible serial animal abuser must be held accountable. He faces up to three years of jail time. Sign the petition below to ensure he receives maximum punishment if found guilty.


Dear Ms. Smittcamp,

A camera outside a family’s home captured a horrific incident in which a man seemingly brutally killed the family’s pet dog and then disposed of the body like trash. Authorities believe they have the man, Aaron Cumpton, caught in the video. Now, the legal system must do its job.

According to an acquaintance, Cumpton may very well have committed a similar offense of deadly animal cruelty on at least one other occasion. Please vet these new accusations and consider further charges if they prove credible. Most importantly, please pursue a penalty that will ensure this alleged abuser never has the opportunity to harm another living being.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Magda Ehlers


  1. eleanor+dunkavich says:

    burn this bastard

  2. Hacerle lo mismo al Hijo de la Gran Puta!!

  3. Sorry idiot needs the same done to him

  4. Christine Nuttall says:

    When I read stories like this it makes me physically sick. This evil piece of shit needs his life taken away in the same manner!!

  5. If this had been my dog the fucker would be a’Dead man Walking’ right now. And I would guarantee that with no remorse. In fact the bastard would be begging me to terminate his shitty life!
    We do not want fuckers like this in the world. Shooting would be far too quick although done and dusted with no regrets.
    Power to any vigilante groups who could take these wankers out down some dark lane. Then it would be great – another shitbag terminated and would probably hopefully deter any other bastards before torturing innocent animals.

    • I agree 100 percent with you. I promise he wouldn’t be breathing if this were my dog….
      I think they should publish his address online….

    • Annette & Jeff Patrone says:

      So infuriating and heartbreaking beyond words..we agree 100% Jon and also with Christine, rebecca and Marisa’s replies..we’ve always been supporters of the Eye for an Eye method for justice in the animal cruelty cases and Yes power to any vigilante groups. DO IT..take that dirt bag out and would be so great to know another shit bag was terminated, and also agree would hopefully deter any other bastards or bitches, they exist too unfortunately, before torturing innocent animals. That is definitely the mission!!!

  6. Why is the scumbag free?? So the video is not evidence enough to keep that sick bastard jailed? How stupid and archaic the judicial system is in this country!! Basically the monster can continue to hurt other innocent animals “while awaiting” trial….what a stupid joke! Maybe if someone would kill the monster on another video to bring justice nothing would happen either right? Set that piece of trash on fire and let it feel the pain.

  7. This POS needs more than 3 years in jail, he needs 133 years of being kept in a cell with fighting dogs that have been left starving.

  8. Animals shall NOT be VICTIMS of human sadistic psychopaths! Animal violence shall be treated as any human violence and this perpetrator must receive the HARSHEST punishment possible. This poor innocent and defenseless dog deserves JUSTICE – just like YOU and ME!
    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY is the only relevant punishment for this BESTIAL MURDERER!

  9. Coward coward coward… give me 2 minute s with this dickless sadistic subhuman!

    There should be a jail for animal lover, and I vote he gets thrown there,




  13. I would love to do the same to this pos. When are we going to get stricter laws for animal abuse.

  14. joanne leone says:

    i too would slowly carve the skin from his face and torture him till he begged me to kill him ! 16 yrs old a yorkie this fucker needs to die and he has done it b4 !!! so i hold the justice system equally responsible ! they suck too, afraid to stomp on these low life pos rights , or not looking at animal killings as murder ?? the asshole judge who let him out to walk among us again also needs to be punished or step down !!

  15. Shoot the sick scumbag between the eyes and get rid of him!!!

  16. Barbara Ley says:

    They give us their unconditional love and trust, this dog elderly dog deserved the same in return .. anyone who could do such a barbaric act upon an innocent animal deserves punishment to the fullest extent of the law

  17. Rose Coffey says:

    Does anyone with any common sense at all really want this Aaron Cumpton out there among the public to do further damage to more animals? I wish someone had seen him taking the dog and would have knocked common sense into him; he deserves punishment; we need to stop letting these jerks off with just a slap of the hand. RIP Artie and my sympathy to your owners.

  18. Our justice system needs much harsher punishments for animal abusers!!!! My sweet yorkie was murdered by someone I trusted and never thought in a millions yrs had a mean bone in his body. He did it when I was at work on the home security cameras caught it on tape (mainly just the sounds ans them him running around the inside of the house with my babies lifeless body). The courts have drug this out for now over 14 months! I’ll fight this to the end to see the max punishment and them some for this sociopath! I hope these pet parents do the same in this case. You have to be extremely on it with the prosecutors to get things done though, so v be prepared to fight tooth and nail. Call,email,research, and push with all you have or they will just plea it out with a slap on the wrist for this criminal. I have PTDS from the murder of my baby boy, Romeo. Sociopaths that go after innocent animals like this should be treated like murders and punished as so! It’s not long before going after animals isn’t enough for them and they will go after children statistics show. I know it’s awful to say, but I hope this awful man (I use the term man losely, because they are not a man) goes to prison and someone does to him what he did to set Archie. I pray the same for my Romeo’s murderer. Romeo has a petition going as well and I hope it helps makes a difference. I thought about going back to the news stations that first reported my case and having them run the story again before we finally go to trail, but who knows when that will be. It’s been canceled/postponed 5x now. The legal system sucks! The criminal has more rights than the people they violate. I’m on a crusade to change than, but it’s going to the public activity getting involved!

  19. People should be treated as they treat their animals. Hammurabi’s code love it.

  20. We need better, stricter laws protecting animals and children. And holding those criminally liable to the fullest extent.

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