Elderly Yorkie Reportedly Killed on Camera Deserves Justice

Target: Lisa Smittcamp, District Attorney of Fresno County, CA

Goal: Prosecute man accused of killing elderly dog to the fullest extent.

A beloved 16-year-old family dog lost his life in an alleged act of animal cruelty. Surveillance footage apparently captured the dog, named Artie, being grabbed by a man outside of the property where the animal lived. The video seems to show the man moving away from the camera and returning a short time later with the now-deceased dog, whom he puts in a garbage can and leaves. Authorities reportedly identified the suspect as Aaron Cumpton, who now faces animal cruelty charges.

While Cumpton has been barred from unsupervised contact with animals, he was not jailed while he awaited legal proceedings. He has pled not guilty, despite the video evidence seemingly implicating him. This suspect also now faces accusations that he killed another pet dog while house-sitting for a different family. The dog in the separate case had apparently sustained severe and ultimately lethal neck injuries under Cumpton’s care.

This possible serial animal abuser must be held accountable. He faces up to three years of jail time. Sign the petition below to ensure he receives maximum punishment if found guilty.


Dear Ms. Smittcamp,

A camera outside a family’s home captured a horrific incident in which a man seemingly brutally killed the family’s pet dog and then disposed of the body like trash. Authorities believe they have the man, Aaron Cumpton, caught in the video. Now, the legal system must do its job.

According to an acquaintance, Cumpton may very well have committed a similar offense of deadly animal cruelty on at least one other occasion. Please vet these new accusations and consider further charges if they prove credible. Most importantly, please pursue a penalty that will ensure this alleged abuser never has the opportunity to harm another living being.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Magda Ehlers


  1. Laura Rolder says:

    Harsher Felony charges is a must! These abusers and murderers need to never be allowed to live in society. I wish they got the death penalty because they don’t deserve to live in my opinion.

  2. Poor dog someone should kill him and throw him in the trash jail this asshole

  3. Agree with all the comments posted. People who are cruel and kill animals are a menace to society and need to be locked up. Since this is the second time that this POS has killed an animal, maybe he should be the one to die

  4. Patricia Lamonica says:


  5. Michelle+Harvey says:

    Whoever did this needs to be punished to the fullest extent!!! I’m SO SICK AND TIRED of people that abuse and kill animals getting away with it!!!!! The same should be done to them!!

  6. Michael DeHaven says:

    The laws on the books for animal cruelty, already outdated written decades ago or written based off of old laws originally intended for livestock in colonial America, are not realistic or severe enough, and do not reflect the reality of abuse and torture happening against companion animals, pets right NOW. And yet lawyers and judges seem to seek and deliver the least severe or minimum punishment available on the books of an already ridiculously lenient maximum choice. That is not justice. Barbarism is barbarism and needs to be punished accordingly. If you are reading this please never fail to speak up and be an animal’s voice, vote for candidates who realize people who abuse animals are sociopaths, and help support new legislation anywhere and anytime you see it that is in support of harsher punishments for harsh acts against innocent sentient animals. Thank you.

  7. What is wrong with people???? How can you kill an innocent dog? This guy needs the death penalty…an eye for an eye. Too harsh? well maybe if people knew exactly what was going to happen to THEM for committing such a horrendous act ..they might think twice!

  8. Thug ass. Serial killer in the making. HE MURDERED THOSE POOR INNOCENT DOGS! No pet animal or person is safe with him on the loose! His ass belongs in jail. Make him suffer!

  9. Timothy L. Zierke says:

    Sorry I can’t leave comments, because this shit makes me so mad that I would say things that I shouldn’t.🤬

  10. Much harsher sentences are needed! This POS qualifies as someone who should be put to death. We don’t need people like him fouling the earth.

  11. Aaron Cumpton Is pure evil. Treat him accordingly.

  12. He really should get the harshest and the book thrown at him and if he thinks he is not guilty then just let me come there and I will find him guilty enough to be either in for life without parole or get the chair.

  13. Knightimus Prime says:

    put a bullet in the fuckin cunts head and throw him over the hill and be done with it

  14. Human beings like this do not deserve to use Earth’s oxygen.

  15. Ich stimme ebenfalls allen Vorrednern zu ,aber das beste ist es das man diesen Basdart erschießt.

  16. As a resident of Fresno, I demand that this sick pos be prosecuted to the fullest! And get him off the streets!! Smittcamp, are you gonna wait until this pos hurts a child before you get off your fat a** and do something?!

  17. Eileen Bevan says:

    Evil Bastard. We need stronger laws that are ENFORCED. These defenseless animals need to be protected.

  18. They should be able to did our who posted this so they can on arrest and sentence them. The prosecutors and judges need to do something so abusers know there are consequences. I know what I would do to them.

  19. Execute the demonic bastard! Animal cruelty is a felony in all 50 states and it is about time people push law enforcement to go after these evil bastards!!!!These monsters need to have the same done to them back. Take these monsters out of society! 😠

  20. To everyone here: Aaron Cumpton’s picture is online-google it and do whatever with it.

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