Countless underweight and injured dogs with matted fur, living in their own feces in outdoor kennels, were reportedly found at a horrific puppy mill. Demand the woman accused of these crimes receive the maximum penalty.
Two dogs nearly died after they were reportedly found starved, dehydrated, and imprisoned in a tiny enclosure. Demand justice in this case of apparent sadistic cruelty.
A pair of defenseless dolphins died in two unrelated acts of apparent animal cruelty. A stranded dolphin took her last breaths as bystanders seemingly harassed her, while an unknown assailant impaled a nursing mother dolphin. Urge the most severe punishment for all involved parties.
Chowder, a golden retriever puppy, was reportedly picked up and callously thrown for pooping inside his home. Now, the pup may need to have one leg removed. Demand justice for Chowder.
Figaro, a helpless cat, was reportedly hunted down and attacked at his own home by two assailants. Demand justice for Figaro.
A farm owned by a billionaire magnate is accused of dooming five million chickens to slow deaths by suffocation. Demand justice and a thorough investigation.
A puppy was allegedly stuffed inside a zipped-up bag and jammed in a car trunk underneath a heavy drill, while drugs were apparently being transported and delivered. Demand the people reportedly responsible for this animal cruelty spend a lengthy amount of time in prison.
The tires on automobiles are killing fish and other wildlife on a massive scale. Demand action to combat this threat to aquatic animals.
A poodle needed surgery after her caretaker allegedly left her unable to eat, with a band wrapped tightly around her muzzle. Demand justice for this innocent animal.
A cat and a guinea pig both died from likely acts of animal cruelty. These victims’ lives were then demeaned even further when they were disposed of in trash bags. Demand the perpetrator of these horrific crimes be held fully accountable when identified.
One hamster was apparently doused in hot liquid while others were allegedly forcefully beaten with objects. Social media videos reportedly documented the animals’ anguish and cries of pain. Demand the person allegedly responsible for these crimes be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if he is found guilty of these evil acts.
Sixteen dogs were reportedly forced to fight each other and lived in cages with piled up feces and urine. Demand justice for these innocent creatures.
Dogs and cats at risk of inhumane experimentation have been granted legal protection in Virginia. Applaud a welcome win for animal welfare.
An man was reportedly caught on video beating his dog at a gas station. Demand authorities find and prosecute this person.
Seals are being harmed and killed so that humans can continue harvesting salmon. Urge Australia’s guardian of the environment to do her job and stop these needless and illegal deaths.
A dog was apparently shoved inside a closet and left behind by the owners before they moved from the residence. The poor animal was reportedly found malnourished, with severely matted hair. Demand justice now.
A man who was found guilty of torturing and skinning seven dogs to make fur coats may be released from prison early. Demand he be required to serve his entire sentence to prevent other animals from being violently hurt or killed.
European governments subsidize the slaughter of roughly 250,000 bulls annually. Urge them to stop their support of bull-breeding farms.
Cashew, a four-month-old puppy recovering from surgery, was stolen from a shelter by an unidentified man in a clown mask. Demand action to ensure this never happens again.
Mice and other small animals are forced to swim until nearly drowned as part of a cruel experiment. They are drugged, dropped into water, and left to save themselves. Call for an end to the “forced to swim test.”