Animal Conservation

Preserve Wetlands to Save Mitchell’s Satyr Butterfly

The endangered Mitchell’s satyr butterfly is crucial to the ecosystem. Demand the conservation of this species and its habitat.

Save the Polkadot Wasp Moth From Habitat Loss

The Polkadot Wasp Moth is a unique species threatened with extinction due to habitat loss and climate change. Advocate for its conservation to protect biodiversity and combat climate change.

Don’t Let the Schaus’ Swallowtail Butterfly Go Extinct

The Schaus’ swallowtail butterfly is an endangered species. Demand the conservation and protection of its habitat in Florida.

Save the Endangered Puritan Tiger Beetle

The Puritan tiger beetle plays an important role in the ecosystem and is in danger of disappearing forever. Stand up for this underappreciated species.

Save the Santa Cruz Long-Toed Salamander From Going Extinct

The adorable Santa Cruz long-toed salamander urgently needs our help to survive. Demand the conservation of this species and its habitat.

Save the Endangered Rusty Patched Bumblebee From Going Extinct

The Rusty Patched Bumblebee, an endangered species, is crucial to pollinating native plants and crops. Demand the conservation and protection of their habitat.

Save the Salt Creek Tiger Beetle From Extinction

The beautiful and unique Salt Creek Tiger Beetle is being pushed to the brink by agriculture and urban development. Help ensure a healthy future for this endangered species and its watershed.

Stop Poisoning the Six-Spot Ground Beetle With Pesticides

The six-spot ground beetle is on the brink of extinction due to habitat loss the use of pesticides. Sign this petition to demand conservation efforts and habitat restoration for its survival.

Save Penguins and Their Rare Lice From Climate Change

The Southern rockhopper penguin and the lice that live on their bodies are both endangered due to habitat loss and climate change. These species need each other to survive. Sign the petition to urge the government to protect them both and their environment.

Save Wetlands to Prevent Extinction of Swamp Metalmark Butterfly

The swamp metalmark butterfly is facing the threat of extinction due to habitat loss and fragmentation. Demand the conservation of this unique species and its habitat.

Save Endangered Snail Important to Indigenous Culture

The Tahitian land snail is a critically endangered species that is facing threats from climate change, predators, and habitat loss. Advocate for its conservation to protect the ecosystem’s balance and the cultural heritage of Indigenous people.

Save the Mountain Arctic Butterfly From Going Extinct

The mountain arctic butterfly is facing extinction due to climate change, habitat destruction, and pesticides. Advocate for its conservation to protect the ecosystem that depends on it.

Don’t Let Climate Change and Disease Wipe Out Endangered Golden Toad

The golden toad is endangered due to habitat loss, climate change, and the spread of a fungal disease. They are just one of over 40% of amphibian species that are at risk of extinction. Demand action now to save them.

Save the Hawksbill Sea Turtle From Illegal Trading

The Hawksbill sea turtle is critically endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, and pollution. Join us in advocating for their conservation to protect them from extinction.

Create Super-Swimway for Endangered Turtles and Biodiverse Marine Life

A patch of ocean that serves as a nesting, feeding, and migration route for unique and endangered marine species is under attack from destructive industrial fishing. Demand leaders protect one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth.

Protect Genetic Integrity of Endangered Red Wolf

The red wolf is critically endangered due to crossbreeding with coyotes. With only about a dozen left in the wild, the time to act is now. Advocate for increased protection for this species to preserve its genetic integrity.

Protect the Spectacled Bear by Enforcing Hunting Restrictions

The spectacled bear is threatened by habitat loss and hunting. Advocate for the protection of this important cultural icon and their habitat by enforcing stronger laws and promoting conservation efforts.

Stop Illegal Trade of Vulnerable Saffron-Crowned Tanager

The saffron-crowned tanager is threatened by habitat loss and trapping for the pet trade. Advocate to protect this species and to preserve biodiversity.

Stop Hunting Aardvark for Meat and Medicine

Aardvarks are hunted for their body parts, and they struggle to find adequate shelter and food. Something must be done to protect this essential species. Demand leaders take action to preserve their habitat and impose strict penalties for illegal hunting.

Protect the Endangered Dhole From Human Predation

The dhole is endangered by habitat loss and has been hunted to the point of near extinction. Demand action to protect this wild dog and maintain the balance of Indian ecosystems.

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