Call to Action: More Than One in Five People Witness Online Animal Abuse
More than one in five people have reported witnessing animal abuse online. Take immediate steps to combat this disturbing trend.
More than one in five people have reported witnessing animal abuse online. Take immediate steps to combat this disturbing trend.
Over 120 reports of animal abuse have been made in the last six months. Demand stronger measures to protect animals and ensure perpetrators are held accountable.
A man faces seven felony charges of neglect after authorities reportedly discovered several dogs living in deplorable conditions. Ensure justice and improve animal welfare regulations.
Two dogs, Contra and Duke, were seized from a home where they reportedly suffered severe abuse, and now require surgery. Demand justice.
Reports of animal abuse are on the rise, with numerous cases surfacing recently. Demand immediate action to investigate and prosecute these alleged abusers to ensure justice for the victims.
A week-old kitten was tied up in a plastic bag with its dead sibling and discarded. The suffering cats were found by passing children. Demand stronger animal protection measures to end this cruelty.
Reports of animal cruelty are rising, with recording 962 incidents in the first half of 2024. Demand stronger measures to protect animals and bring perpetrators to justice.
A man allegedly beat his dog with an axe handle, causing severe injuries. Demand strict legal action and justice for the reportedly abused dog.
A cafe in allegedly exploits owls for entertainment, prompting animal rights activists to call for urgent intervention. Demand an end to this alleged animal cruelty.
Animal cruelty has seen a rapid increase with little deterrent from those in charge. Support the “No Animal Deserves Cruelty” appeal to address this alarming trend.
A man allegedly dropped a 7-month-old puppy down an apartment staircase. Demand strict legal action against this alleged animal abuser to ensure justice for the injured puppy.
Several dogs reportedly suffered painful, prolonged deaths at the hands of the owner of “Pawsitively Paradise.” Demand justice now.
Recent incidents of reported animal cruelty highlight a growing issue that demands immediate attention. Take action to strengthen animal welfare laws and ensure justice for the victims.
A man allegedly fatally beat his family dog with a baseball bat. Urge authorities to take strict legal action against the alleged perpetrator and ensure justice for the dog.
A man allegedly caught and ate a live snake. Demand strict action against this alleged cruelty under the Wildlife Protection Act.
A man allegedly tried to kill a pet dog by beating and choking it. Take immediate action to ensure strict punishment for this alleged cruelty.
A dog named Shelly was reportedly found near death in a dumpster at an apartment complex. Demand swift justice for Shelly.
A woman was allegedly operating a puppy mill in deplorable conditions. Take immediate action to ensure she faces full legal consequences and the animals receive proper care.
An owner allegedly mutilated his injured dog, Niva, and neglected her veterinary care, leading to her death. Take action to ensure he faces full legal consequences.
A man was allegedly caught on video torturing a pet dog by lifting it with a leash and beating it. Take strict action against the alleged perpetrator.