Stop the Cruel Sale of Illegally Imported Chameleons
The sale of illegally imported chameleons threatens public safety and wildlife. Demand a crackdown on this inhumane trade.
The sale of illegally imported chameleons threatens public safety and wildlife. Demand a crackdown on this inhumane trade.
Exotic snake smuggling is a cruel and illegal trade that is harming both animals and humans. It not only endangers those who encounter the snakes, but also disrupts ecosystems. Urge the US Fish and Wildlife Service to take action and prevent this illegal activity.
The hunting and killing of endangered wolves is threatening their survival and jeopardizing the balance of the ecosystem. Demand a ban on wolf hunting and conservation measures to protect this important species and maintain the ecological health of Montana’s wilderness.
Wild animals are being targeted with traps that kill indiscriminately by crushing victims to death or catching them in cruel leg-holds. Demand an end to this inhumane practice that threatens both wildlife and innocent pets.
The trade in wild box turtles threatens to wipe out this important species forever. Sign this petition to keep turtles in their natural habitat, where they belong.