Articles written by: Animal Petitions

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Justice for Puppy Thrown Into Burning Fire Pit

An eight-month-old puppy named Polo was found with debilitating burns all over his body after being thrown into a fire. Demand that Polo’s attackers are found and punished.

Save Chimpanzees and Elephants From Nigerian Superhighway

*This petition is in collaboration with Care2, thereby allowing all signatures to appear in a single location. Please Help Spread the Word:

Stop All Arctic Oil Drilling

186364-1447111685-wideWalruses, polar bears, whales and other sensitive wildlife are threatened by Arctic oil drilling projects. Help protect the pristine Arctic from the drills once and for all.

Save Migrating Shorebirds From Big Oil

619243-1444947592-wideThousands of shorebirds are at risk of being killed by a disastrous oil spill if a new oil terminal in their habitat gets build. Protect these helpless birds and other wildlife from the threat of a toxic catastrophe.

Don’t Let Mexican Gray Wolves Disappear Forever

626082-1444078805-wideBarely more than a hundred Mexican gray wolves still survive in the wild, and now these last survivors are in danger of disappearing forever. Don’t let the Mexican gray wolf go extinct.

Stop Cruel, Abusive Puppy Mills

415016-1441121263-wideDogs in puppy mills too often lead lives of horrifying suffering and abuse. Become part of the solution by pledging not to give your money to companies that support puppy mills.

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