Success: Inhumane Euthanasia Banned

Target: Eric Holcomb, Governor of Indiana

Goal: Praise the recent ban on inhumane euthanasia in Indiana

The definition of ‘animal cruelty’ has been redefined to include inhumane euthanasia of any animal. This recent development stemmed from allegations of four kittens being frozen to death at an animal shelter. Thank the Indiana governor for taking this important stand against animal cruelty.

“The Humane Society and other groups are pleased this was a good step forward in strengthening the definitions of abusing an animal,” stated Rep. Ryan Hatfield, author of House Enrolled Act 1615. The bill defined humane euthanasia strictly as the use of sodium pentobarbital or a derivate. It must be administered in a manner that causes painless loss of consciousness and death. Any other method of euthanasia, including freezing, electrocuting, and heating, is now against the law and able to be prosecuted as an animal cruelty offense. This bill came in response to petitions like this one, condemning a shelter for seemingly freezing four kittens to death.

This is an important step in the right direction, and it will open more doors for prosecutors, who wish to punish animal cruelty offenders. Sign below and thank Governor Holcomb for protecting Indiana’s animals.


Dear Governor Holcomb,

Inhumane euthanasia is now illegal in Indiana, thanks to your support. This means that animals will no longer have to face cruel and painful deaths in the name of mercy. I appreciate your role in this important development.

Freezing, heating, electrocuting: these methods of torture and death are no longer considered legal options for euthanasia, thanks to your approval of House Enrolled Act 1615. Drafted by Rep. Ryan Hatfield, the bill redefined humane euthanasia as the use of sodium pentobarbital or a derivate. This means that in cases where animals are killed in a torturous manner, such as the recent allegations of a shelter putting kittens into a freezer, the perpetrators can be prosecuted and punished under Indiana law.

Your approval of this bill means that fewer animals will suffer in Indiana and those who do will have justice. Thank you for standing up for innocent animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: 12019


  1. Evelyn Ball says:

    The fact that POS country killed innocent animals like this is a disgrace. Human garbage

  2. Who would freeze kittens to death in the first place! That is sick sick sick.

  3. Karen Redd says:

    Those bastards are the ones that should be frozen, or better yet burnt to death. The scumbag worthless MFs damn sure deserve to suffer a million times worse than those precious beautiful innocent little kittens did.

  4. Eric Holcomb, Governor of Indiana

    Praise the recent ban on inhumane euthanasia in Indiana

    The definition of ‘animal cruelty’ has been redefined to include inhumane euthanasia of any animal. This recent development stemmed from allegations of four kittens being frozen to death at an animal shelter. Thank the Indiana governor for taking this important stand against animal cruelty.

    Freeze the animal torturing monsters to death who committed this sadism and evilness against such defenceless and innocent little kittens and probably many more innocent animals that these animal torturing monsters tortured to death.
    RIP little ones.

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1982 Signatures

  • Olga Orda
  • Ellen Peck
  • Latonya Sassee Walker
  • Kathleen Leslie
  • Kelly Tadlock
  • Mary Ann Nordheimer
  • Susan Beil
  • Lesha Thornton
  • Lesha Thornton
  • Tonya Hilton
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