Target: Markus Söder, Minister President of Bavaria
Goal: Praise Bavaria for protecting bees from pesticides and habitat loss.
Bavaria will pass a law to protect the German bee population without putting it to referendum first, instead citing a petition that gained close to two million signatures. This is a shocking but highly welcome move, promising drastic changes in agriculture and food production; rivers and streams will be better protected from pesticides, and 10 percent of farmlands will be converted into flowering meadows.
Bee populations have been dropping all across the globe for the last several years due to overuse of toxic pesticides and the destruction of meadows and fields to make room for farms and industry. Europe’s and North America’s bees have been hit particularly hard by these dangers, with many species officially endangered and close to extinction. Petitions such as this one have circulated, demanding stronger protection of these vital pollinators.
This is a huge step forward in preserving bee populations the world over, and it is hoped that other states will follow Bavaria’s example. Sign this petition to thank Bavaria for pushing forward with this new law immediately.
Dear Minister President Söder,
Your approval of a new law for stronger bee protection is highly appreciated. Bee populations all across the globe have been dropping dramatically, particularly in Europe, due to the overuse of dangerous pesticides and the disappearance of flowering meadows. It is unusual that a law is allowed to pass without referendum, but in this case it is most welcome.
Bees are vital to the survival of other animals and plant life, as well as the food industry for humans. Their loss would devastate the planet, as a whole, and it is gratifying to see such big steps taken to prevent it. Thank you for pushing forward with this law so quickly.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Marciej-A Czyzewski
Without bees and other pollinators there will be no food. Save the bees!