Punish Vocalist Accused of Kicking Dog on Camera

Target: City Attorney Cindie K. McMahon, Carlsbad, California

Goal: Thoroughly investigate allegations of animal abuse by Tim Lambesis and ensure appropriate legal action.

Disturbing footage has reportedly surfaced showing Tim Lambesis, vocalist of As I Lay Dying, mistreating a dog. The videos appear to show Lambesis kicking the dog when it gets in his way and later using physical gestures, such as spanking and lunging, to intimidate the animal into compliance. This behavior, if true, represents a serious violation of animal welfare laws.

The footage comes in the wake of previous controversies involving Lambesis, including disputes with his wife, further highlighting a pattern of seemingly troubling behavior. Despite these allegations, Lambesis continues to perform publicly, leaving questions about accountability and the treatment of those unable to advocate for themselves, like animals.

Animal abuse is a serious offense that must be addressed decisively to deter future incidents and protect innocent creatures from harm. Demand legal authorities and animal rights organizations ensure a thorough investigation into these allegations and take all necessary legal actions if guilt is established.


Dear City Attorney McMahon,

Recent footage allegedly depicting Tim Lambesis mistreating a dog has raised urgent concerns about animal welfare. The videos appear to show actions such as kicking and intimidating the animal, which, if proven accurate, represent a grave violation of animal rights.

The legal system has a responsibility to protect animals from harm and ensure accountability for those who perpetrate cruelty. We urge you to thoroughly investigate these allegations, hold those responsible party accountable under the law, and set a precedent that mistreatment of animals will not be tolerated.

Animals rely on humans for care and compassion, and instances of abuse undermine this sacred trust. We call upon you to act swiftly and decisively to ensure justice is served and to prevent further harm to vulnerable animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Eric Sonstroem


  1. I will no longer be supporting our listening to this band until appropriate action is taken.

  2. Dogs are not “its’. I always give a pronoun other than that because and ‘it’ is an object.

  3. Well let’s hope this abomination lives up to the stupid name of his pathetic band. Here’s hoping that while he lies dying lots of animal owners get to kick him over and over and what kind of dipshit fool is his partner that she let’s him away with this vile behaviour, I would smash his ugly ass face in if he tried that crap with my dog.

  4. Jaime Perez says:

    Throw this creep in jail for a very long time. He doesn’t belong in society!!

  5. I’d like to see him “as he lay dying”. I think this guy may have some anger management issues he needs to deal with. I have a feeling, if he has pets of his own, he would administer that kind of “discipline” as well.I don’t know who this band is but I will make sure not to find out.

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