Seagulls Allegedly Killed Amid Rising Violence Deserve Justice

Target: Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Thérèse Coffey, UK

Goal: Prosecute individuals allegedly responsible for killing and abusing gulls and strengthen protections for these declining bird species.

Gulls, often mislabeled as “seagulls,” are reportedly facing increasing acts of violence and cruelty, including incidents where individuals allegedly killed or injured these protected birds. In one disturbing case, a man in New Jersey was arrested for allegedly decapitating a gull after it tried to take food from his child. In the UK, authorities are reportedly investigating the suspicious deaths of ten gulls, including one with a suspected airgun wound.

These incidents allegedly highlight a troubling societal disdain for gulls, leading to acts of violence that not only harm the birds but also violate wildlife protection laws. Gulls play a crucial role in the ecosystem and are protected under various conservation laws, yet negative perceptions contribute to their mistreatment. Despite being intelligent and adaptable creatures, gulls are often labeled as nuisances, which may hinder conservation efforts as their populations reportedly decline.

Legal action is essential to hold those allegedly responsible for harming gulls accountable and to reinforce the importance of protecting these declining species. Strengthening enforcement of wildlife protection laws and promoting public awareness about gulls’ ecological value are necessary. Take action now.


Dear Secretary Thérèse Coffey,

We are deeply concerned about recent reports of increasing acts of violence and cruelty against gulls in the United Kingdom. In several alarming incidents, individuals have allegedly killed or injured gulls, including a case where ten gulls were found dead under suspicious circumstances, one with a suspected airgun wound. These acts not only cause unnecessary suffering to the animals but also violate wildlife protection laws.

Gulls are protected birds that play a significant role in our ecosystems, yet negative perceptions have led to their mistreatment and neglect. Despite being intelligent and adaptive creatures, they are often labeled as nuisances, which contributes to public apathy towards their welfare. Their populations are declining, making it even more critical to ensure they are protected from harm.

We urge you to take immediate action to prosecute individuals allegedly responsible for harming gulls and to strengthen enforcement of existing wildlife protection laws. By holding offenders accountable and promoting public awareness about the importance of gulls, we can help safeguard these vital species for future generations. Please ensure that these acts of cruelty are thoroughly investigated and that appropriate legal measures are taken.


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Photo credit: Shadowmeld Photography

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  • Dennis Butler
  • Susan Smith
  • Betty-Lou Luijken
  • Andrea Rosner
  • laura divenere
  • Pam Schlussel
  • Michael Henderson
  • lynn henderson
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