Stop Serial Dog Poisoner Before Another Innocent Animal Dies

Target: Lancaster County District Attorney Heather Adams, Pennsylvania

Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation to identify and prosecute the individual reportedly responsible for poisoning dogs and endangering pets.

Two dogs were poisoned after ingesting a frozen chunk of an unknown substance found along a fence in their owner’s yard. After consuming the substance, both dogs became lethargic and started vomiting; tragically, one dog died while the other recovered after veterinary treatment. Additionally, the owner found nails scattered across their driveway upon returning from the veterinary clinic, a disturbing occurrence that had happened two weeks prior.

Authorities are investigating the incident as suspected animal abuse, but a suspect remains unidentified. The repeated placement of nails in the driveway and the poisoned substance suggest a deliberate attempt to harm the pets, raising serious concerns about the safety of animals and residents in the area. The veterinary clinic could not determine what the substance was, adding urgency to the need for a thorough investigation.

Swift action is necessary to prevent further harm to innocent animals and to ensure the safety of the community. By thoroughly investigating and prosecuting the individual reportedly responsible, authorities can send a clear message that such cruelty will not be tolerated. Demand that the Lancaster County District Attorney’s office prioritize this case and take all necessary steps to bring the perpetrator to justice.


Dear District Attorney Heather Adams,

I am writing to express deep concern over a case of animal cruelty in which two dogs were poisoned after ingesting a frozen chunk of an unknown substance in their own yard. One of the dogs tragically died, while the other required hospitalization. Furthermore, the dogs’ owner found nails scattered across their driveway, an alarming occurrence that had happened before.

These incidents suggest a deliberate attempt to harm not only the animals but also potentially the residents. The repeated placement of hazardous objects and the poisoning of pets indicate a serious threat to the safety and well-being of the community.

I urge your office to prioritize this case, conduct a thorough investigation, and prosecute the individual reportedly responsible to the fullest extent of the law. Taking decisive action will demonstrate a commitment to justice, deter future acts of animal cruelty, and help protect both animals and residents from harm.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Sairam12r

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406 Signatures

  • Thordur Gislason
  • Pamela Miller
  • Consuelo Velasco
  • Catherine Milovina
  • Ashley Swinney
  • Ken Levy
  • Heather McWee
  • Diana Horowitz
  • Dee Henderson
  • Gregory Lindquist
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