Success: Stricter Animal Cruelty Laws Coming to State

Target: Glenn Youngkin, Governor of Virginia

Goal: Support creation of animal abuse registry and other measures protecting Virginia’s animals.

Virginia has often led the way in regard to strong animal cruelty laws. According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund, it ranks in the top tier of states for animal protection. Unfortunately, the state has also often ranked in the top ten (and even the top five) for number of animal abuse offenses. This ForceChange petition called on the state to continue strengthening its animal welfare framework. And with the passage of substantial new laws, Virginia is accepting the challenge.

One significant measure will open the door for public animal cruelty registries that identify individuals who have been convicted of animal cruelty. The registry could prove invaluable in preventing convicted offenders from unlawfully securing more potential victims via an unwitting person selling or giving away animals. A second law will potentially prohibit for life the worst animal cruelty offenders from taking ownership over animals. A third amendment to the statutes takes on the controversial practice of declawing, as it will ban the practice on cats unless the case is proven to have a therapeutic benefit for the cat.

Sign the petition below to thank lawmakers for their continued commitment to safeguarding the well-being of vulnerable animals.


Dear Governor Youngkin,

Virginia introduced a host of new laws under your pen. Some of the lesser-known but more consequential – and potentially life-saving – statutes involved animal cruelty. This crime has unfortunately often flourished in the state. Admirably, the state is building a robust set of laws in response. The latest round will reflect the urgent need to hold convicted offenders accountable even after jail time and fines have been implemented.

A registry and a lifetime ban on future ownership are definite steps in the right direction. Thank you for helping ensure the welfare of all of Virginia’s living beings.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Krysten Merriman


  1. Thank you Virginia!!!!! Thank you Governor Youngkin! You have picked up the torch of honor to protect those beings who are abused and receive no justice. America is a great country but our standard of law has gone down the toilet. You are here to honor our promise to all victims that the law seeks justice on their behalf. Let’s make America the land of law and justice! This is the way the law needs to act and react. I am so thankful you stepped up. Many of we well meaning citizens are disgusted by the way the law has been manipulated to support the criminals but not the victims. Any living being has the right to live their lives in peace with no torture! Thank you!!!!!

  2. I suggested animal cruelty registrations years ago. I’m glad to see that someone is actually initiating this. I wish it could be Country-wide so that when people move, the record will follow them. Thank you Virginia for being the forerunner of a great policy.

  3. Jaime Perez says:

    Thank you Governor Youngkin for stepping up and doing something to protect the innocent animals! ALL states need to implement stricter and harsh punishments for animal abuse.

  4. This Is Good News!!
    IF ALL People In Power Had Morals Or A Conscience,,, We Wouldn’t Have To Spend Our Time Fighting & Pleading For REAL ACTION To Stop It!!!
    Animal Torture, Rape, Neglect & Cruel Slaughtering Is Most Unacceptable Not To Mention CRIMINAL In A Supposedly Modern World! It Should NEVER BE TOLERATED!!!! IT IS EVIL!!!

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