Cat Apparently Skinned in Viral Video Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Ahmad Terrirudin, Attorney General of Malaysia

Goal: Ensure strict penalties for the individual allegedly responsible for cruel treatment of a cat, and enforce stronger animal welfare regulations.

Authorities in Malaysia have arrested a 33-year-old foreign suspect in connection to a viral video allegedly showing a cat being skinned. The man was arrested on June 25 after a report was lodged regarding the video, which was circulated via WhatsApp. The 47-second video purportedly shows the man cutting a white cat with a chopper, as the animal lay on the ground with its fur matted with blood. The suspect is seen skinning the animal while instructing the person filming to pay attention.

The man is being investigated under Section 428 of the Penal Code, which deals with animal cruelty. If found guilty, he faces up to three years in prison and a fine. The Malaysia Animal Association had offered a reward for information leading to the man’s arrest, claiming he is a Myanmar national employed at a snack shop in Selangor.

This incident underscores the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws. Take swift action to investigate and prosecute the responsible parties, ensuring justice for the cat and setting a strong precedent against such cruelty.


Dear Mr. Ahmad Terrirudin,

A deeply disturbing incident has come to light in Malaysia, where a 33-year-old man has been arrested in connection with a viral video allegedly showing a cat being skinned. The video, circulated via WhatsApp, purportedly shows the man using a chopper to cut and skin the cat, as it lay on the ground with its fur matted with blood. This apparent act of cruelty has sparked outrage and highlights the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws.

We urge you to ensure a thorough investigation and hold the individual allegedly responsible accountable. Immediate action is necessary to prevent such horrific acts of cruelty and to protect the welfare of animals in Malaysia.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Lucas Pezeta


  1. Jacqueline “Torture the S…” says:

    Please let the cat have been deceased (probably by this nut job).
    Find him and era do him from this earth as he is beyond sick!!

  2. Paula Long says:

    Skin that SOB and then throw him in a pen of wild hungry animals. Praying he suffers for the rest of his life.

  3. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m sorry this happened to this poor, innocent cat. The perpetrator is a low-down, sadistic piece of slime and he needs to be severely punished. I hope this fur baby gets justice.

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