Protect Animals From Drowning in Tragic Floods

Target: Marina Silva, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change of Brazil

Goal: Enhance support and establish protocols for animal rescue in disaster-stricken areas.

Floods have ravaged Canoas, leaving countless animals distressed, injured, or worse. Volunteers have rallied to set up a makeshift shelter to treat and feed these vulnerable dogs, yet their efforts, while heroic, are unsupported by formal disaster protocols. Many of these dogs suffered injuries from being run over or nearly drowned in the floodwaters, showcasing a dire need for official intervention and support.

The shelter, a vast area equivalent to a football pitch, has become a temporary home for hundreds of these animals. Each hour brings 20 to 30 new cases, some so severe that immediate medical attention is needed yet unattainable due to their frail conditions. This situation highlights a significant gap in the state’s disaster response, particularly concerning animal welfare, which necessitates urgent government action.

The need for structured support is clear. These animals’ suffering could be alleviated with proper government-coordinated efforts and resources. Demand the establishment of formal protocols for animal rescue in disasters, ensuring no animal is left behind in future crises.


Dear Minister Silva,

We are reaching out to urge immediate action in response to the ongoing crisis affecting countless animals in Canoas, as a result of the recent catastrophic floods. The current situation has led to severe injuries and distress among the local dog population, with many animals run over or nearly drowned, highlighting a critical gap in our disaster preparedness and response, especially concerning animal welfare.

Volunteers have heroically established a makeshift shelter, without official support, where hundreds of dogs have been treated and fed. Despite these efforts, the lack of formal protocols has made it difficult to provide adequate care to all affected animals, particularly those in critical condition. This deficiency in our disaster response system reveals a need for structured protocols and support for animal rescue operations.

We demand the establishment of official guidelines and support mechanisms for animal rescue in disaster-affected areas to ensure that no animal suffers unnecessarily in future crises. It is crucial that our disaster response plans encompass measures to safeguard all life, including our vulnerable animal companions.


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Photo credit: Antônio Cruz, Agencia Brasil

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473 Signatures

  • Penny Mackenzie
  • Olga Orda
  • Ellen Peck
  • Kathleen Leslie
  • Kelly Tadlock
  • Vanessa Strougo
  • Barbara Nixon
  • Petra Pennington
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Lisa Norton
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