Animals Allegedly Found Starving and Neglected in House Deserve Justice

Target: Andrew A. Bain, State Attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit, Florida

Goal: Ensure those allegedly responsible for severe animal neglect face legal action.

Reports emerged recently revealing a shocking scenario of alleged animal cruelty and neglect. Authorities were called to the scene after a concerned visitor initiated a well-being check, leading to the distressing discovery. Inside, multiple animals, including dogs, reptiles, and a tarantula, were found in a state of alleged severe malnourishment and neglect.

Further investigation unveiled a grim picture: deceased animals, including a young Basset Hound, two cats, and various small reptiles, reportedly added to the horror. Although the homeowner, Ashley Taryn Boucher, claimed overwhelming personal challenges in caring for these animals, authorities found evidence apparently suggesting otherwise. Unopened dog food cans and financial assessments pointed to a dissonance between her claims and the apparent ability to provide for the animals.

This case highlights a dire need for accountability. The alleged suffering endured by these animals demands urgent attention and action. Address this alleged neglect and prevent future instances by ensuring rigorous enforcement of animal welfare laws.


Dear State Attorney Andrew A. Bain,

We write to you distressed and urged by a recent discovery at the residence of Ashley Taryn Boucher, where numerous animals were allegedly found in deplorable conditions. According to reports, these animals suffered from severe neglect and malnourishment, an allegation supported by the grim finding of deceased pets on the premises.

The homeowner has been arrested and faces multiple charges of aggravated animal cruelty and confinement without adequate provisions. However, the evidence suggests a disturbing disregard for the welfare of the animals, allegedly evidenced by unused resources and financial means which were reportedly not utilized for their care. This situation appears to represent not just a failure to act but a neglect that requires legal scrutiny and intervention.

We urge you to pursue this case with the severity it warrants. The alleged suffering and death of these animals must not go unaddressed. We demand that comprehensive legal action be taken against those allegedly responsible to ensure justice is served and to deter similar cases of neglect.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: jimapics


  1. Manitou CalmStorm says:

    Take ALL animal abusers and put them on a deserted island where there are no animals. Men women and, yes, even children (if they’re old enough to do the crime, they’re old enough to do the time), and then, just nuke the slimeball sons of bitches. And, any other animal abusers, just send them there to live on the nuked out land. May they rust in peace. Animals are our brothers and sisters, we have no right to harm or murder them. Period!

  2. Our laws do not protect. There is no money in representing animals or children, or in many cases women. Yet horrific crimes continue. Society can’t protect without laws and citizens to obey the laws. Florida is the worst state for animals. Mentally unstable people are plentiful. And the legal system is corrupt. Which makes me notice that others are getting fed up with all the excuses and non action to horrible crimes. Suggestions are coming forth with having the abusers not be treated with kindness but to be treated as the victims they abuse and in the exact same manner as they abused and killed their victims. These crimes can not continue. The supposed law doesn’t protect anything or anyone.

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  • Penny Mackenzie
  • Olga Orda
  • Ellen Peck
  • John and Robbie Wertin
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  • Kelly Tadlock
  • Vanessa Strougo
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