Success: Florida Panther Remains on Endangered Species List


Target: Nick Wiley, Executive Director of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Goal: Applaud efforts to keep Florida panthers on the endangered species list.

The Florida panther will remain on the endangered species list, despite efforts by some people to try and strip them of their conservation status. A petition on ForceChange even helped to advocate for this suffering species. We need to thank the Florida FWCC (Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission) for recognizing the plight of this beautiful animal and for taking this important stand.

Efforts are now being made to try and improve the population of the Florida panther in southwest Florida. Work will also be done to ensure that there will one day be two populations of 240 panthers outside southwest Florida.

Executive Director Nick Wiley of the Florida FWCC has even expressed his support for taking steps to improve Florida panther populations and has also made it clear that more support and resources will be needed to help this effort. Federal officials are further being encouraged to do what they can to help Florida panthers.

Considering it was recently estimated that there are only around 250 Florida panthers left in the wild, it is great news that these animals will remain listed as an endangered species. Thank the Florida FWCC for taking these important steps. We have the power to save this beautiful animal from extinction if we continue to work together.


Dear Executive Director Wiley,

Your organization recently stated that the Florida panther is going to remain on the endangered species list, despite rumors that the animal may lose its conservation status. Thank you for supporting these animals and for doing whatever possible to try and improve their overall population.

With only approximately 250 Florida panthers left in the wild, it is exciting to know that efforts are not only being made to improve the population of these animals in southwest Florida but to also improve the population of panthers outside of this general region. In addition, it is great news that federal officials are now being strongly encouraged to do what they can in order to help improve panther populations.

If both state and federal officials work together, Florida panther populations will likely improve. Thank you for taking the needed steps to help make this happen. Keeping the Florida panther on the endangered species list better ensures that these magnificent animals will be able to remain on this earth for years to come.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Moe Epsilon


  1. Florida’s done something right for animals for a change!!!!

    Now sort out the other atrocities.

  2. Best news I heard in a while !!! I’m calling Executive Director Wiley’s office and ask that this wonderful decision is shared with all other states. Florida panthers, California, Utah, and Arizona’s cougars, and wolves in several states need all the help we can give them.

  3. At least one good news. It makes my day.

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