Justice for Puppy Reportedly Thrown From High-Rise

Target: Laxmi Singh, Commissioner of Police, Greater Noida, India

Goal: Ensure stringent legal action against individuals allegedly involved in a heinous act of animal cruelty.

A horrifying incident surfaced from Greater Noida in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, where a minor is alleged to have thrown a puppy from a high-rise, leading to its tragic demise. The act, caught on video and virally shared, appears to depict the puppy’s desperate attempts to escape, its cries unheard and unheeded. This incident is not isolated; reports indicate a disturbing pattern of cruelty towards animals in the locality, including cases of puppies being crushed under vehicles and suspicious deaths possibly due to poisoning.

Further disturbing is the reported involvement of children in such acts, influenced by hatred and fear-mongering against stray animals, propagated by adults in the community. The alleged involvement of an adult in the latest incident, possibly overseeing the act, raises grave concerns about the moral compass and the psychological conditioning of the young minds in society. This act of cruelty, along with the community’s underlying animosity towards animals, necessitates immediate and decisive action.

The need for stringent legal action is clear, not only to serve justice for the innocent life lost but also to set a precedent, deterring future acts of cruelty. This petition calls for the authorities to not only hold the individuals accountable for this specific act of violence but also to address the broader issue of animal cruelty and psychological assessment and intervention for the youth involved. Demand a thorough investigation, legal action commensurate with the gravity of the offense, and a structured community intervention to foster empathy and kindness towards all living beings.


Dear Commissioner of Police, Greater Noida,

The community is shaken by the recent incident in Greater Noida, where a puppy was allegedly thrown from a high-rise, its death a stark symbol of the cruelty pervading our society. This act, reportedly perpetrated by a minor under the watch of an adult, is part of a distressing trend of violence against animals in the area. Such acts of cruelty not only end innocent lives but also stain the moral fabric of our community, highlighting a concerning desensitization to violence and suffering.

It is imperative to address this issue with the seriousness it warrants. The alleged involvement of children in such acts, influenced by a culture of animosity towards animals, is particularly alarming. It speaks to a deeper societal issue that requires immediate attention and action. We urge you to ensure a comprehensive investigation into this incident and the broader pattern of animal cruelty in the area. The individuals responsible, regardless of their age, must face consequences fitting the severity of their actions.

This petition is a call for justice, not just for the innocent animal that lost its life but for the values of compassion and empathy we must uphold in our society. We demand stringent legal action against those involved in the puppy’s death and a proactive approach to prevent such incidents in the future, including educational and community-based initiatives to foster respect for life in all its forms.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Surat Lozowick


  1. What is happening in India is tragic. Once the pentacle of religion and practice of spirit yet now just another lower rung on the Western man’s climb to success. India was great before but tragically not so now. Western mankind is not kind and has done much damage to other countries following our lead.
    This puppy lost his life for a video. The 15 minutes of fame stupidity which is happening all around the world. The only hope for justice is Karma. Karma never gets lost and is applied correctly. No living being has the right to harm or kill another living being.

  2. these people are the future of the world. god help everyone.

  3. Lesley Rodgers says:

    These barbaric acts are perpetrated by evil, cruel people, and it seems they are breeding ore evil, cruel people. Possibly because Muslims are becoming abundant in India? rather than the more kind Hindu faith. There has been some backlash from traditional Hindi at these shocking events. Also, the East has long been FAR more cruel and brutal to animals than the West. It is shocking how animals, mostly cats, dogs, puppies and kittens alike, are treated, tortured and eventually, after long and horrific torture, killed for meat, in some countries like China and Viet nam.

  4. Lesley Rodgers says:

    These barbaric acts are perpetrated by evil, cruel people, and it seems they are breeding ore evil, cruel people. Possibly because Muslims are becoming abundant in India? rather than the more kind Hindu faith. There has been some backlash from traditional Hindi at these shocking events. Also, the East has long been FAR more cruel and brutal to animals than the West. It is shocking how animals, mostly cats, dogs, puppies and kittens alike, are treated, tortured and eventually, after long and horrific torture, killed for meat, in some countries like China and Viet nam.

  5. India AGAIN…..I truly despair.

  6. What a POS, the kid and its parents… Karma is coming for them… the people of India know all about Karma… there is a special place in Hell for those who harm the innocent… the World has seen what you have done… RIP sweet furbaby.. I’m sorry your last moments were at the hands of subhuman slime…

  7. Animal cruelty is proof of a corrupted poisoned soul. That kid can never pray enough to absolve what he did, hes hell bound now, along with whoever told him that crap is ok. No fake deity can clear a sin like this, hes damned

  8. Every time law enforcement does nothing then they themselves become abusers and killers by being complicit. These HITLERS receive NO consequences therefore continue these heinous crimes, frequently also turning to 2 legged victims in order to experience an increased High from this holocaust! God and KARMA are watching and will pay these monsters back 1000FOLD!!

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