Justice for Dozens of Cats Who Allegedly Suffered in Burnt Home Without Food

Target: Joshua D. Lamancusa, District Attorney of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, USA

Goal: Ensure stringent legal action against the alleged animal neglect and cruelty.

Shocking reports from North Hill describe a harrowing situation: a woman’s burnt residence, where nearly 30 cats were left to endure horrendous conditions. Allegations against Michele MacMillen, aged 38, include severe neglect of these felines. Post-fire, these creatures allegedly lived amid ruin, without basic necessities like food, water, or cleanliness. The local police, backed by humane officers, intervened, rescuing the animals and unveiling the reportedly distressing state of affairs at 207 E. Fairmont Ave. Authorities have charged MacMillen with numerous counts related to animal neglect and cruelty. Yet, justice for these defenseless beings demands more than mere charges.

Details emerging from the police criminal complaint paint a dismal picture of cats crammed in overcrowded cages, some diseased, others starved or dehydrated. The living space, scarred by fire, reportedly remained littered with trash, feces, and flies, devoid of electricity, water, or warmth. The grim reports of overflowing litter boxes and the sight of a cat in seizure underscore the urgent need for a robust legal response. MacMillen’s alleged actions, or lack thereof, led to a situation where the only recourse was to condemn and schedule the house for demolition.

The severity of this case calls for a decisive stance against animal neglect and cruelty. The alleged suffering endured by these cats cannot be overlooked or minimally punished. This petition demands that the authorities pursue the most stringent legal measures against Michele MacMillen. Ensuring accountability in this case will send a clear message: such allegedly egregious disregard for animal welfare is unacceptable and will face the full force of the law.


Dear DA Joshua D. Lamancusa,

The deeply disturbing situation uncovered at 207 E. Fairmont Ave. in North Hill, where nearly 30 cats were allegedly subjected to dire neglect and cruelty, necessitates your immediate and rigorous action. The details reported, of animals living in a burnt structure, deprived of the most basic needs, and surrounded by filth, are not just appalling but ostensibly criminal. The charges against Michele MacMillen represent a crucial step, yet the community looks to you for assurance that this case will be met with the utmost seriousness and lead to substantial legal consequences.

The evidence, as outlined in the police criminal complaint, indicates a blatant disregard for the well-being of these animals. Cats allegedly confined in squalid conditions, many sick, malnourished, or dehydrated, in a home deemed uninhabitable, highlight a disturbing level of neglect. Such alleged treatment cannot be seen as anything short of abhorrent. The community’s moral and legal standards demand that those responsible for such acts face significant penalties.

In light of the alleged facts, this petition urges you to advocate for the strictest possible charges against Michele MacMillen. It is imperative that the legal system underscores the gravity of animal cruelty and neglect, affirming that such actions will result in severe legal repercussions. Your commitment to justice in this case will not only serve the afflicted animals but will also demonstrate to the public that Lawrence County will not tolerate such inhumanity.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Geraint Rowland

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498 Signatures

  • Olga Orda
  • Ellen Peck
  • Cynthia Kelley
  • Kathleen Leslie
  • Kelly Tadlock
  • Vanessa Strougo
  • Jacklyn Noftsier
  • Barbara Nixon
  • Velina Ussery
  • Velina Ussery
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