Justice for Heeler Mix Allegedly Found Dead With Severe Burns and Bound Legs

Target: David D. Hayes, Greene County Prosecutor, Ohio, US

Goal: Prosecute and penalize those allegedly responsible for the heeler mix’s cruel treatment and demise.

In Greene County, a harrowing incident has emerged involving a heeler mix. This creature, innocent and defenseless, was discovered with severe burns and its legs bound. Shockingly, despite rescue efforts, it succumbed to its injuries in an animal hospital. Such a grotesque scene paints a disturbing picture of alleged animal cruelty and demands a thorough investigation.

Further details of this case, as stated by Greene County Sheriff Jim Arnott, suggest a level of brutality that shocks the conscience. The dog, while still breathing, was found in a condition that speaks to alleged inhumanity and disregard for life. This appalling situation has understandably sparked public outrage, leading to a significant increase in the reward for information leading to an arrest.

It’s imperative to recognize that animal cruelty is not just a local issue but a societal concern. It reflects on our collective morality. For justice to be served and to prevent future atrocities, those allegedly responsible must face legal consequences. Demand a rigorous pursuit of justice for this innocent animal.


Dear Prosecutor David D. Hayes,

In your capacity, you have the power to address a deeply troubling incident in Greene County. A heeler mix was found in a state of unimaginable suffering, with severe burns and its legs bound, later passing away due to the severity of its injuries. This act, which Sheriff Arnott has publicly denounced, represents a gross violation of animal rights and welfare.

This case, while singular in its details, is indicative of a broader problem of animal cruelty. It highlights the need for stern legal repercussions to deter such acts in the future. Your office has the responsibility and authority to ensure that justice prevails. As such, we urge you to take swift and decisive action in prosecuting those allegedly responsible for this heinous act.

It is not just a question of legal duty but a moral imperative to stand against such cruelty. The public’s reaction, including the increased reward for information leading to an arrest, indicates a community united against animal abuse. We trust you will uphold the community’s values and seek justice for this innocent animal.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: H. Michael Karshis


  1. Please, I hope the witness will come forward to help apprehend this psycho so that he never gets to walk the street and harm another innocent lifel again!

  2. Laura Rolder says:

    Please find the monster who did this. This innocent dog suffered and justice needs to be served.

  3. josie olive says:

    This savage needs to be boiled in oil

  4. if you Do NOT start severe punishment for these monsters, society as a whole will suffer, the only way to put an end to this is to make the punishment severe

    • My heart goes out to this poor animal, they didn’t deserve this.

      It breaks my heart even more to know that billions of innocent, defenseless animals suffer greater detriment but it goes unknown since they are being raised and slaughtered for food.

      If you buy meat and dairy products, you are supporting cruelty to animals.

      How is a dog so different from a pig?

      Bacon tastes good, right? They say everything tastes like chicken and although I can’t promote that belief I can tell you that when a dog is opened up on the operating table, their flesh smells exactly like raw chicken flesh. so I imagine dogs do taste like chicken.

      You probably have chicken and cow flesh in your freezer but I have my 18 year old weenie dog in my freezer and I cry every day since she died. The thought of putting dirt over her as I bury her is too painful so believe me when I tell you that I truly am sorry for what happened to this dog because I am well aware of how special dogs are but no animal deserves to live in fear and then be killed whether they are loved and cherished by an individual or not. All animals have the capacity to feel pain and sadness just like we do.
      Up until now you had the excuse of ignorance bc you have been brain washed like everyone else so that you would continue supporting the industries responsible for legally torturing and killing animals.

  5. Sherry Akridge says:

    What are these prosecutors, judges, law makers doing? What are you doing about ALL of this animal abuse? Nothing. That is why it keeps happening! The MONSTERS just keep abusing, torturing, killing innocent animals everyday without any punishment!!

    • The meat and dairy industry is responsible for more animal cruelty/suffering than you can imagine but because their animals are raised and slaughtered for food, it’s legal and not even spoken about by most people.

      I can’t wish detriment to those who are inflicting the pain because they are only doing it to earn their wages so they can support themselves and their family. I can’t wish detriment to people who eat meat and dairy even though it’s their demand which promotes the supply because I don’t want to believe that so many people are so selfish and self centered that they choose the taste of flesh over the life of an innocent animal..

  6. Jaime Perez says:

    I hope whoever did this despicable thing is caught and punished severely! The monster should be tortured like he did to the dog!!

  7. Find the perpetrator(s)- torture and kill them – end of future threats.

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