Justice for Defenseless Cat Allegedly Sexually Abused

Target: Pushkar Singh Dhami, Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, India

Goal: Ensure stringent legal repercussions for man who allegedly caught and sexually assaulted a cat.

A tenant in Dehradun, Uttarakhand (India) has been accused of a most vile and shocking act against a defenseless pet cat, prompting public outcry and an immediate police response. The community of Dehradun stands reeling from the news of this despicable incident, demanding that such alleged atrocities against animals meet with the sternest legal actions. With emotional wounds inflicted upon the cat’s owner and the societal fabric of Dehradun, immediate and firm legal measures are essential.

The suspect, Pawan, purportedly enticed the cat with food in order to catch and sexually abuse the helpless animal. The landlady’s horror was palpable as she allegedly found him in the midst of this execrable act. The pet’s physical injuries were undeniable—swollen with evidence of bleeding—painting a gruesome picture of the ordeal it endured. This level of alleged brutality has profoundly disturbed the local and wider community.

The imperative for legal action stretches beyond retribution; it’s a clarion call for moral accountability. Alleged perpetrators of such heinous crimes against animals must face the consequences to deter future occurrences. Therefore, we insist on a relentless pursuit of justice in this matter, ensuring that the full force of the law befalls those found guilty of such reprehensible conduct.


Dear Pushkar Singh Dhami,

An incident in Dehradun has pierced the community’s heart, where a tenant, Pawan, allegedly engaged in unspeakable cruelty against a pet cat. Your office has the duty and power to steer this situation towards justice. We seek your assurance that this case will not just be another file on a desk but will serve as a precedent in animal cruelty cases.

The landlady’s report and the subsequent police action have brought to light the gravity of the situation. Such alleged crimes against creatures incapable of defending themselves must not go unpunished. Our trust in the legal system hinges on the effectiveness and severity of the response to such allegations. We implore you to use your position to advocate for the strictest penalties against the accused if found guilty.

This petition embodies the collective voice of a community shaken by this alleged atrocity and united in the pursuit of justice. We trust you will ensure that every facet of the investigation is thorough, just, and fair, reflecting society’s refusal to tolerate such acts. We demand unwavering diligence in seeking justice for the abused animal and a message loud and clear that such alleged behavior will face unyielding opposition from the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Tranmautritam


  1. Milantia Roy says:

    Had I been the cat’s owner I would have killed the degenerate on the spot

  2. Despicable and sadistic actions. This innocent feline victim deserves justice. Please prosecute this vile individual to the fullest extent of the law and set an example for all.

  3. Laura Rolder says:

    Sick evil monster. He must face a life of pain for the abuse of these poor innocent helpless cat. Lockbhim awaycin prison and let him face the same abuse. The justice system needs to stop these sick animal abusers.

  4. Sherry Akridge says:

    That sicko does not deserve to breathe. There should be an instant prison sentence for any psychopath that does crimes against animals.

  5. Euthanize this monster.

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