Heroic K9 Sacrifices Life in Line of Duty: Demand Justice in Tragic Armed Robbery Case

Target: Pima County District Attorney Laura Conover
Goal: Seek maximum for men accused of brutally killing police dog.

A dedicated K-9 deputy, Kenzo, lost his life in the line of duty while bravely assisting in the apprehension of an armed robbery suspect. The suspect, allegedly armed and dangerous, was located in a fenced commercial yard. K-9 Kenzo, a loyal and fearless member of the force, was deployed to track down the suspect. When deputies lost contact with Kenzo, they entered the yard to discover him apparently stabbed. The suspect was apprehended, but the heroic K-9 Kenzo succumbed to his injuries.

Cody Bartlett, the alleged perpetrator, has been taken into custody on suspicion of armed robbery, aggravated robbery, and the egregious act of harming a service animal. Additionally, Juan Tacho was arrested in connection to this case, facing charges of armed robbery, aggravated robbery, and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

This heart-wrenching incident highlights the immense sacrifices that our dedicated law enforcement officers and their loyal K-9 partners make every day. K-9 Kenzo’s courageous actions exemplify the unwavering commitment to protect and serve our communities. The alleged actions of Bartlett and Tacho not only resulted in the loss of a valued member of law enforcement but also posed a grave threat to public safety.

We, the undersigned, urge you, the Pima County District Attorney, to pursue the maximum legal penalties allowable by law for Cody Bartlett and Juan Tacho. These alleged crimes, including the armed robbery, aggravated robbery, and the fatal harming of a service animal, demand a swift and just response. This tragedy should serve as a stark reminder that those who commit such heinous acts must be held accountable for their actions.


Dear District Attorney Conover,

I am writing to express my deepest condolences for the tragic loss of K-9 Kenzo, a brave member of the law enforcement community who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. The recent incident involving the alleged stabbing of K-9 Kenzo during the apprehension of an armed robbery suspect has left our community in mourning, and has prompted me to reach out to you directly.

The heroic actions of K-9 Kenzo serve as a poignant reminder of the selfless dedication exhibited by our law enforcement officers and their invaluable animal partners. It is crucial that we honor his memory by ensuring that justice is pursued vigorously in this case. I implore you to utilize the full extent of your authority to seek the maximum legal penalties against Cody Bartlett and Juan Tacho for their alleged involvement in the armed robbery, aggravated robbery, and the heartrending act of harming a work/service animal.

The loss of K-9 Kenzo not only affects those directly involved but resonates deeply within our community, reminding us of the daily sacrifices made by our law enforcement officers to protect and serve. It is imperative that those responsible for this tragedy face the consequences of their alleged actions. Your dedication to upholding the principles of justice is greatly appreciated, and we trust that you will do everything in your power to ensure that K-9 Kenzo’s legacy is honored with a thorough and just legal process.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to justice. Our community stands united in seeking accountability for this heart-wrenching incident. We trust that you will handle this case with the gravity and diligence it deserves.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pima County Sheriff’s Office


  1. Needs to be. charged with murder of police officer also!!!

  2. Stacy Tuttle says:

    Prosecute both for murder of a police officer..
    These two do not diserve life!

  3. These dogs that fight for law and order need to be more protected in their duties. And the persecuters should have the full force of the law upon them if they hurt or injure any animal.

  4. These absolute wonderful police dogs need to be protected with special clothing at all times of their duty. Complete protected clothing from any attack.

  5. Animal vigilante says:


  6. The bastard who murdered Kenzo should be given the death penalty for killing a police officer

  7. When these brave dogs are doing the job of the cowardly police officers SURELY they should have similar clothing to the police ie. stab/bullet proof vests….not beyond the realms of possibility when you can buy all manner of “novelty” clothing for dogs. I can only imagine these loyal dogs are simply regarded as disposable commodities. As others have suggested, whoever stabbed Kenzo should be charged with murdering a Police Officer, as Kenzo was doing a job a police officer SHOULD have been doing.

  8. Lynn Greene says:

    Why do WE have to sigh petitions? Shouldn’t this be a no brainer!!! Get to work and do your job and put these murders away!!How many dogs will lose their life? Put these pieces of Crap away for life!!!! These great dogs also SHOULD have protection!!! Don’t put them in harms way until you do!!!!!!!!!

  9. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    The POS dog killer needs to be charged with murder of a police K-9 officer and should face the same fate as if he had killed a human officer!! Police dogs lives are just as valuable as the officers they assist!!

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