Don’t Let Helpless Caged Animals Go Through Mental Torture

Target: Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, Prime Minister of Pakistan

Goal: Enact mandatory psychological well-being checks for all animals in captivity.

In Pakistan, wildlife held captive in over 14 zoos frequently suffer brutally inhumane conditions, contrary to the basic tenets of ethical animal treatment. Among these institutions, 10 function under government stewardship, while private entities operate four. While some facilities like Multi Zoo in B17 have notably implemented improved care standards, the grim reality pervades most other zoos.

Islamabad Zoo, for example, which garnered international infamy for its reportedly inhumane treatment of animals, faced shutdown by Islamabad High Court in May 2020. This facility had an elephant named Kaavan, subject to dire living circumstances that purportedly led to mental anguish for over 20 years.

Following immense social media activism, Kaavan was transported to his native Cambodia. Yet, animal abuse persists, underlining an urgent need for revamped regulation. Take action now to stop the same kind of torture for other caged animals.


Dear Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar,

We write to express collective concern over the apparently inadequate animal welfare standards in Pakistan’s zoos. Specifically, there’s a pressing need for stringent rules safeguarding the mental well-being of animals kept in these enclosures.

We urgently request that your office spearhead efforts to enact binding legislation. This should mandate regular psychological assessments for all animals in captivity. Allocations should be made for qualified veterinary psychiatrists, and noncompliance should result in severe repercussions.

As citizens deeply committed to the ethical treatment of all beings, we deem this a pivotal moment for change. For too long, animals have suffered, their silent cries largely ignored. With your influence, we can amend this narrative. Adopting such regulations would paint Pakistan as a country genuinely dedicated to compassion and justice.

This urgent call to action resonates strongly with the conscience of numerous Pakistanis. An exhaustive, careful investigation into zoo management practices should thus commence posthaste. We insist on prompt action to halt continuing abuse and to foster an environment of genuine care for these helpless creatures.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Amnagondal

One Comment

  1. I’m deeply committed to animals’ ethical treatment. This current state of confined animals suffering from inadequate animal welfare standards provides us with this a pivotal moment for change. With your influence, we can amend this narrative into one that supports ethical, respectable treatment of living beings and Pakistan as genuinely concerned and dedicated to serving animal compassion and justice.

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