192 Animals Reportedly Abused By Dog Trainers Deserve Justice

Target: Merrick Garland, Attorney General of the United States

Goal: Demand a thorough investigation into alleged animal neglect and abuse.

Recent reports from Chattanooga, Tennessee, have brought to light a deeply troubling case of alleged animal neglect and abuse by Jerry Bryant and Patricia Bryant, who purportedly operate as dog trainers. For years, local dog owners entrusted their beloved pets to the care of the Bryants, believing they were leaving them in a safe and professional environment. However, it has come to light that the Bryants were allegedly transporting these animals to their actual residence in Walker County.

Complaints about the treatment of animals at this facility date back to 2017, suggesting a long-standing pattern of concern. Despite these complaints, Patricia Bryant reportedly stated that she only provided training when the owners were present and that their facility did not offer boarding or grooming services.

Director Jeff Mitchell of Walker County Animal Services acknowledged previous complaints but mentioned that the authorities had recently gathered enough evidence to warrant entry into the Bryants’ home.

Shockingly, when authorities finally gained access to the property, they reportedly discovered a staggering 192 animals in distressing conditions. Among them, 102 were reportedly dogs. Additionally, there were 65 chickens, 10 goats, eight rabbits, seven ducks, and three pigs on the premises. Regrettably, 15 of these animals have reportedly perished, and many others allegedly show signs of severe neglect.

The situation is a grave cause for concern, as it involves the alleged mistreatment and suffering of a significant number of animals. It is imperative that a thorough investigation takes place to determine the veracity of these allegations and, if substantiated, to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. Take action now.


Honorable Merrick Garland,

We, the undersigned, are writing to express profound concern and outrage regarding the alleged animal neglect and abuse by Jerry Bryant and Patricia Bryant, who purportedly operated as dog trainers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and Walker County, Georgia.

Recent reports have shed light on a deeply distressing situation in which numerous animals were allegedly subjected to neglect and mistreatment. These animals, entrusted to the Bryants’ care by well-intentioned pet owners, were allegedly transported to the Bryants’ residence, where they were reportedly kept in appalling conditions.

The allegations of animal suffering and the distressing number of animals involved in this case demand immediate attention. It is a collective responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of animals under human care, and these allegations strike at the heart of this duty.

We respectfully urge you to initiate a comprehensive investigation into this matter to determine the accuracy of these allegations and, if warranted, to pursue legal action against those responsible. We believe that justice must prevail, and those who allegedly subjected these animals to harm must be held accountable for their actions.

The protection of animals is a fundamental concern shared by society, and we implore you to take swift and decisive action in this case to uphold the principles of compassion, justice, and empathy.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Nancy Guth

One Comment

  1. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    Do your effing job!!! Shut these evil bags of crap down, charge them, jail them and leave them there! What is it with the people who can actually bring about change, who can help innocent animals and help make things right, not doing a damn thing?? What gives people??

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