Save ‘Animals on Fire’ From Climate Change Driven Devastation

Target: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Goal: Rescue animals being burned alive by climate change driven fires in Turkey.

More than 2,000 farm animals have been burned alive by out-of-control wildfires in Turkey. The fires, driven by climate change induced heat waves, are the worst Turkey has seen in modern times. In addition to the thousands of dead animals, six people have lost their lives, including two firefighters.

While wildfires are not uncommon in Turkey, these fires are unique in their size and ferocity. This is due to historically unusual heat, low humidity, and dry soils, all driven by climate change.

Authorities and residents were caught off-guard by the severity of these fires, thereby allowing thousands of farm animals to be caught and killed in the flames.


Dear Recep Tayyip Erdogan,

Thousands of animals have burned alive in climate change driven wildfires in your country and six people have lost their lives, so far. While climate change is a global issue, your country provides heavy subsidies to coal energy which is a primary source of greenhouse gas emissions.

These people and animals did not have to lose their lives. On the global stage, you can provide more climate leadership, and at home, you can provide authorities with the resources necessary to protect all creatures from the ravages of climate change.

Please do what is right and fight climate change for all living beings.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: NOAA


  1. Climate Change is now! Floods, fires, oceans in havoc and more to come. This moment is a good one to lay all our prejudices aside, all conflicts aside, and ban together to stop the effects of climate. This is a world problem and a world solution. Five thousand Flamingos in Turkey have suffered from drought and died. If you want your country to survive do all you can to stop these effects, help the climate and save our planet! In America a similar problem is happening. Animal agriculture doesn’t prepare to save their animals in case of floods. Yet taxpayers are burdened with paying for these idiots to have more animals for free. If these animal owners do not prepare for floods and they happen hen the owner should receive no benefits from the government. In your case these animals and wildlife have little meaning but just wait and see how the loss of such animals will bring you to starvation. Sad but true. In the end we need them more than they need us!

  2. Demetrios Lekkas says:

    All that that whole country has is three (3) fire-fighting airplanes by the admission of their Foreign Minister live on TV in Antalya. They prefer to spend their funds on other stuff like palaces and armed cars.

  3. Screw all these lies about “climate change” being from Nature, or mainly from common human activity. Much of that isn’t good, but the BULK is actually from deliberate, military climate geo-engineering warfare waged upon our entire atmosphere! They’ve gone too far, and everything has been manufactured as a cover-up for these ops to deliberately kill our planet and starve and dehydrate all life to death, while NOT ALLOWING real rain to fall. People need to WAKE UP and research this and demand it, AND their lies, END!

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