Success: Dog Beaten and Stabbed to Death Receives Justice

Target: Shawn R. Eatherton, Attorney for Buffalo County, Nebraska

Goal: Support animal cruelty conviction that carries upwards of a three-year prison sentence.

Calls for justice mounted after a Nebraska dog lost her life in a brutal fashion at the hands of her caretaker. This ForceChange petition called attention to the horrid act of animal cruelty. Now this innocent animal has finally received needed justice.

The suspect in the case, Khaleem Baringer, viciously pummeled his pet dog Mary Jane with a baseball bat because she defecated on the floor. When the defenseless animal ran away to hide in a bathtub, Baringer followed  her into the bathroom and continued hitting his dog. Even after the savage assault, this dog still managed to survive….until the suspect returned to the room a third time, grabbed the frightened animal, and then stabbed her to death. Police later found Mary Jane buried, with a broken skull.

Baringer has been convicted of felony animal cruelty and now faces up to three years of prison time. Sign the petition below to support justice being delivered in this sick incident.


Dear Mr. Eatherton,

The case of Khaleem Baringer disturbed your community and animal lovers country-wide. The very idea that a dog could be mercilessly killed with a baseball bat and a knife, all for the “crime” of relieving herself on the floor, truly shocks the conscience. With his conviction, we have renewed confidence that Mr.  Baringer will face the full measure of punishment at his upcoming sentencing.

Thank you for ensuring justice is served for this innocent animal and for your vigilance in prosecuting such horrific acts of cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Sara Mukitza


  1. Yes, KARMA will get this evil bastard. Three years sentence is NOT enough for this sadistic maniac evil bastard!!! I feel very sad for this innocent dog. I hope all ANIMAL ABUSERS going to suffer in many ways of their own life.

  2. Thank you all that convicted this guy! He really needs to find out how it feels to be beaten down like he did that dog!

  3. Thank you for convicting this soulless devil. The sentence is not long enough, he deserves to spend the rest of his worthless life in jail. He also beat with a steel bat, see how he likes it!

  4. I hope he gets the worse of the worse in prison. Pos

  5. Though VERY grateful for this evil filth to be locked up.
    Hope they rape him like they would a ped too!
    RIP Mary Jane xxxxxxxxx

  6. This EVIL MONSTER needs to not take up anymore air!!!!

  7. This rotten mother-fucker needs to be gang raped every day he is in prison. And let’s move the sentence from 3 years to 30 years. Three years is a joke compared to what he did to that helpless loving dog. These dog abusers better hope that someone like me never gets in power because they would find out what REAL PAIN is all about. Not death, just torture and pain the rest of their lives until they finally took their last breath.

  8. Marlene Jalbert says:

    I don’t think 3years is enough the dog is dead life

  9. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Unfortunately, Americans wear jail time as a badge of honour. But at least this garbage is off the streets for 3 years. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

    This Subhuman MUST NOT BE ALLOWED to OWN animals ever again…

  11. Andrea Smith says:

    Three years, really?? If that poor dog was a human he would’ve gotten at least 30… Sickening.

  12. 3 years, that’s not enough. He should be locked up for life.
    Poor dog.

    Rest in peace Mary Jane. X

  13. Amanda Franklin says:

    Thank you for the hard work involved for Mary Jane. She did NOT deserve to die period!!! The inhumanity of the human race is despicable!!! RIP Mary Jane<3

  14. Nadine brundige says:

    What a demented piece of shit this subhuman is and it needs to be exterminated from the planet. Who would miss this monster ? That innocent dog did not deserve this horrific death. Justice must be served.

  15. OMFG! That poor baby died for no reason!
    Glad the MF was punished but honestly… geeez

  16. This horrible human did not take his dog out and the poor dog could not help itself.
    Never should this man have another pet.
    He needs to feel some pain. People like this man are really evil and never should have another pet. He needs jail and time to think about the pain he put his dog through.

    • Susan don,t call this evil monster bastard a man. This evil animal torturing murdering lowlife pos is not human,
      this evil pos is a monster on our planet and must be eradicated from our planet earth. Kill it slowly and let this pos die in agony.

  17. That’s just not enough time! Just let him rot in prison. Let’s start convicting people with murder every time an animal is abused and murdered.

  18. 3 years jail for this monster bastard Khaleem Baringer is not enough. This evil lowlife deliberate animal torturing murdering psychopathic depraved pos must be put to death. Why should this evil pos be allowed to live and breath the air. Kill it slowly.
    And make sure this lowlife pos dies in agony.
    RIP precious Mary Jane. You have crossed the beautiful Rainbow Bridge into beautiful Animal Heaven. Now you are away from this lowlife pos prick monster forever.

  19. I truly hope that someone in the prison will beat to death this filthy maggot excuse for a human. That would be the only true justice. This sick piece of shit needs to be dead.

  20. What goes around comes around. Karma, Threefold Law, The Universe, Abaddon and all The Demons of Hell have begun to punish the piece of shit motherfucker. His punishment will mirror his crime. First he will go to prison and he will be tortured everyday by the inmates for the duration of his sentence. He will be bullied and raped. He will get infected with the Coronavirus, The day before he is released he will get beaten within an inch of his life. Imagines and cries of Mary Jane will flash before his eyes as he begs and cries for mercy and finally his skull will be bashed in with a metal baseball bat and he will die, Ave Satanas! That is my request to The God of the Dark Pit and all his demons, Ave Satanas.

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  • Lissa F
  • Alana Willroth
  • Michael Brinkman
  • Annette Murphy
  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Kelly Glendening
  • Maria Barber
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