Chicken Allegedly Shot With Speargun Deserves Justice

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Target: Honolulu City and County Prosecuting Attorney Keith M. Kaneshiro

Goal: Give man strictest legal penalty for shooting wild chicken and require him and his acquaintance to spend maximum time behind bars for breaking emergency quarantine order if they are found guilty.

Artyon Zhiryada was arrested for allegedly shooting a feral chicken with a speargun and for further violating the 14-day mandatory quarantine order set in place for people who travel to Hawaii. Police learned about the alleged incident involving the chicken after a video was seen by residents on social media. Dan Vlasenko was also arrested along with Zhiryada for violating the COVID-19 quarantine order. Both men need to get the severest punishment under law if they are found guilty of these crimes so that they will be less likely to put more animals and people in danger.

According to authorities, neither individual spent any time in quarantine, but instead had been posting their whereabouts on various social media sites since they arrived last Saturday in Honolulu. The chicken that Zhiryada reportedly shot likely felt a great amount of pain as a result. Additionally, the men may have put other people at risk by breaking quarantine orders during a massive pandemic if they did not follow Hawaii’s emergency quarantine rules. Sign this petition and demand these individuals get the harshest legal penalty if they are found guilty of these respective crimes.


Dear Prosecuting Attorney Kaneshiro,

A feral chicken was said to be viciously shot with a speargun by Artyon Zhiryada. He was arrested shortly after posting the alleged event on social media. Zhiryada was charged with animal cruelty, and he and his acquaintance, Dan Vlasenko, were charged with breaking the emergency 14-day quarantine order travelers are required to follow. If these men are guilty, they need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law so that fewer animals and people will likely be hurt or become sick.

Police said that both individuals had been exploring the island of Oahu since they came over to visit. Not only did the chicken that was allegedly left for dead probably suffer a great deal of anguish, but people who live on the island could be more likely to become sick or even die from COVID-19 if the quarantine order was not followed.

It is important that these violations be taken seriously if these men are found guilty so the lives of more animals and people will not be jeopardized. We therefore demand that you suggest the suspected individuals be given the strictest legal sentence if it is found they committed such senseless acts.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: My Kailua

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  1. Death penalty for this stupid bastard. Sick!.


  3. If a genie granted me one wish… It would be to get rid of or destroy every sick depraved animal abuser alive! I know for a fact I would sleep better at night.

    • Charleen Murphy says:

      that would be my wish too!!!! that poor little bird 🙁 🙁 hope he survived it! must be evil and fucked in the head to do this!

      • I think that every day as I sign these petitions. Too many evil fuckwit cruel humans on this earth. God sent the virus to get rid of a few, I would be happy to help!

  4. Cathy Emerson says:

    They look like pet chickens not that that makes a difference..what id pay to kick the stool from this bastards feet.

  5. Life in prison no question! Animal cruelty / murder is never ok! A life is a life… all equal! Make an example out of this disgusting person!! Be a voice for those without!! Life in prison!

  6. rot in hell – bastard

  7. This vile bastard must be exterminated.I dare this arsehole to meet with me in real life as I have a surprise ready and waiting.

  8. Sick, dangerous, sociopath.
    JAIL THEM – keep society safe.
    Next time it will be a kid.

  9. Jaime Perez says:

    These two freaks deserve the death penalty. All animal abusers deserve the death penalty.

  10. We Know he disregards the law of the land. We also know he cares little about wildlife and just thinks of what he cares to do. He needs to be taken aside, jail will do, and taught that laws are for all. This chicken would still be around if people like this cruel human were taken off the streets.

  11. I am absolutely sickened by these lowlife animal torturing murdering monster from hell Artyon Zhiryada and Dan Vlasenko who deliberately shot an innocent and helpless chicken with a speargun. They are lowlife psychoppathic depraved animal torturers and animal murderers. These two monsters from hell must be put to death. Why should such evil lowlife monsters from hell be allowed to live. An eye for an eye. Kill the lowlife monster bastards from hell slowly. Die in agony you vile and evil lowlife pos and burn in hell for an eternity.This is what you lowlife evil monsters from hell deserve. Eradication from our planet is a must before you take the lives of other precious and helpless animals.

  12. I’d like to stick that speargun up his backside and pull the trigger. The evil bastard

  13. If he did this to an innocent harmless animal he would do it too anything he is a monster I wish you knew how it felt being shot with a speargun you evil basterd go to hell

  14. Evil bastard
    He needs the same done to him sick????

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