Target: The Honourable Sussan Ley, Minister for the Environment of Australia
Goal: Praise Australian government for taking huge financial step toward saving wildlife hurt by bushfires.
Australia’s government has pledged $150 million dollars to the protection and aid of wildlife affected by recent bushfires. Many species, including the beloved and iconic koala bear, lost much of their habitat and even their lives in these horrific fires, caused by a multitude of climate-change related problems.
This huge financial commitment is a step in the right direction. Even before the bushfires, Australia’s overall track record with wildlife protection and conservation has been very poor due to both climate change and the presence of the logging industry. Many iconic species have come dangerously close to extinction, made even worse by the onset of the fires over the past year. Petitions such as this one circulated demanding the continent place its focus on protecting the affected wildlife.
Much more will need to be done to properly compensate for the damages, but the pledging of this much money is still extremely welcome and will hopefully kick-start stronger protection laws for wildlife. Sign this petition to thank Australia’s government for their contribution.
Dear Environment Minister Ley,
Thanks to you and the rest of Australia’s government, there is hope for wildlife species that suffered badly during the bushfires. With the commitment of $150 million dollars, the continent can now take the steps necessary to preserve and aid these creatures who have lost their habitats and much of their population to the flames.
While this is only one facet of rebuilding after the fires, it is an important one, especially considering Australia’s past poor track record concerning wildlife protection. Thank you for making this possible. Australia’s wildlife is too precious and iconic to lose, and it is vital that these species survive.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Arnaud Gaillard
That’s great, but stop the gunning down of your beautiful, defenseless, innocent wild horses that u have planned to murder, starting 5-18-20 ! Shameful !