Stop Trump From Pardoning Infamous Animal Abuser Joe Exotic

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Target: Donald Trump, President of the United States

Goal: Withhold pardon from man who abused and bred big cats for profit.

Joseph Maldonado-Passage, better known as Joe Exotic, may soon be released from the 22 years’ imprisonment to which he was sentenced as punishment for numerous criminal convictions, thanks to a pardon by Donald Trump. Maldonado-Passage, who’s enjoyed substantial fame since the release of a Netflix series examining his crimes, was convicted last year of two counts of murder for hire, illegal possession, transportation, and trading of wildlife, and multiple violations of the Endangered Species Act.

While Trump hasn’t made any decision public, he has pardoned far worse offenders for worse crimes, including corrupt former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich and convicted fraud Conrad Black. Maldonado-Passage’s crimes, including the needless murder of caged tigers, leopards, lions, and other animals, are well-known. Nearly every witness and legal authority involved in the case has argued that he deserves to serve his full sentence due to the cruelty and bizarre nature of his actions.

The president can’t allow a vicious animal abuser to go free as a public relations stunt. Sign the petition below to demand that no pardon be granted to this individual.


Dear Mr. Trump,

Pardoning Joseph Maldonado-Passage, alias Joe Exotic, would constitute a mockery of justice. Mr. Maldonado-Passage is rightly serving 22 years in prison for the numerous cruelties he inflicted on countless big cats over many years, as well as the attempted murder of an animal rights activist in Florida.

I demand that you refuse Maldonado-Passage any pardon, leaving him to serve out his full sentence.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: State of Florida

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  1. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    DON’T DO IT, PRESIDENT TRUMP; this guy does NOT deserve a pardon of any kind!! Pardon Lt. Michael Flynn, instead – HE DEFINITELY DESERVES IT after being unjustly targeted by the Mueller probe!!!!

  2. Patrick Butler says:

    I agree with Linda. This creep is a royal scumbag. He needs to rot in the bowels of a prison!

  3. Not surprised to hear that Trump may pardon this MONSTER. After all, the Trump boys murder precious, endangered wildlife for kicks! I don’t even want to think about how many more innocent, helpless animals this MONSTER will abuse, if pardoned ?!?!

    • Have never seen an uglier RETARD – if Trump pardons him there should be an uprising JUSTICE FOR ALL ANIMALS please

  4. Orna Zagiel says:

    Trump is an egoistic asshole…..if he pardons this horrible person for abusing and killing animals – he should be done the same to him.

  5. Vile and evil lowlife animal torturing murdering monster Joseph Maldonado-Passage, better known as Joe Exotic has the most vile and evil face. This evil bastards face shows sadism and evilness.

    This lowlife monster bastard must be put to death. Having this monster from hell pardoned must not be allowed. Corrupt Donald Trump is an absolute disgrace and the vilest of Presidents of America. He is an arsehole and it is about time this arsehole of a President was eradicated from the planet earth.

  6. Never pardon an animal abuser. It just tells other abusers that they can go right ahead and abuse with no repercussions. Make him an example not a saint!!

  7. While I support President Trump overall, I do not support this decision. I pray he does not pardon this lowlife.

    • Really? You approved over all? Ripping children from their mothers. Lying constantly. Added 3 trillion to the deficit this year alone, alienated our allies and praised DICTATORS, admitted to cheating in the election, deregulated air and water standards, co-vid response despicable, gave up several US bases in Syria and killed thousands of kurds and released terrorists, pedophile with numerous rape charges pending, I don’t see one good thing he has done as nd th as t is only a partial list

  8. Trump is a moronic,vile, animal hating pos.He must be thrown out of parliament without delay.Animal abusing scumbags internationally must have the death penalty implemented.

  9. President Trump you need to watch the videos on how this piece of GARBAGE actually treated his animals.I would hope then you wouldn’t even consider what your son Don Jr is asking you to do by pardoning this piece of GARBAGE. There’s also him hiring someone to kill his wife that wouldn’t look to good pardoning someone that tried to have their wife killed. President Trump leave the piece of garbage where he belongs! There’s someone else should be in jail President Trump your son Donald Jr remembered he killed an Argali sheep Endangered Animal on a Hunting Trip To Mongolia AFTER A MONTH he received a pass on his killing from Mongolia but technically your son broke the law so why wasn’t any charges brought up against him?

  10. Oh, please. Pres. Trump isn’t going to pardon this jerk. There are many people deserving pardons, and Joe Exotic isn’t going to be one of them. I saw that press conference. He wasn’t taking it seriously. Meanwhile, that’s all it took for all the haters to start jumping up and down.

  11. Jacqueline But shop says:

    Do not release this animal abuser.

  12. Eleanor Dean says:

    If you pardon this obnoxious animal abuser..YOU definitely will NOT get my vote and that is a PROMISE..

  13. You probably should not say stuff like this. It is considered a indirect threat to President Trump. I don’t like him but nobody deserves to die because they’re not liked by another.

  14. President Trump – Taking into consideration your position on the protection and well-being of the Animal Kingdom, I suspect that this Petition and the accompanying comments by those who support it will not make a bit of difference in your decision to pardon convicted animal abuser Joseph Maldonado-Passage. Those of us with morals and integrity recognize the fact that being the dominant species does not give humanity the right to torture and slaughter the other life that share this planet with us. Hunting is nothing more than a license to murder. Karma will catch up with you one day…

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