Target: Marion Longford, Head of the Crown Prosecution Service of the United Kingdom
Goal: Praise efforts to bring to justice a man found guilty of smuggling live eels.
United Kingdom seafood salesman Gilbert Khoo has been found guilty of smuggling 200kg of live glass eels from London to Hong Kong. Khoo not only smuggled over five million of the creatures over a two-year period, but he was found guilty of evading restrictions on the export of glass eels.
The illegal trade and smuggling of eels has been a common problem in both Europe and Asia for several years. The creatures are bred in captivity just to be sold for a tidy profit; glass eels in particular can fetch a high price due to their rarity. This is just another example of living creatures being reduced to little more than objects to be traded for currency, to line the pockets of salesmen and breeders. Petitions such as this one have circulated demanding the eel trade be stopped.
Khoo may be only one of many parties involved in this cruelty, but his guilty verdict is still a step in the right direction, as he is being rightfully punished for his crimes against wildlife. Sign this petition to thank the Crown Prosecution Service for their aid in bringing this man to justice.
Dear Ms. Longford,
Thank you for helping to bring an eel smuggler to justice. For two years, salesman Gilbert Khoo was illegally transporting over five million eels worth several thousand pounds from London to Hong Kong as part of an ongoing eel trade. The particular species he smuggled, the glass eel, is critically endangered; Khoo had been exploiting their rarity to earn a hefty sum for their sale.
The eel trade has been a problem for the past few years, with the creatues being bred and farmed solely to sell on the black market. Like all wildlife bred and captured solely for trade, these living creatures were reduced to objects, chattel meant simply to fetch a tidy profit. Your aid in bringing Khoo to justice is a step towards hopefully putting a dent in the eel trade.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Uwe Kils
Trouble with Greedy people and who do not care about endangered and rare species..I am glad this Gilbert Khoo got caught and will be punished.