Dogs Reportedly Skinned for “Doggy Coat” Deserve Justice

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Target: Daniel Cameron, Attorney General of Kentucky

Goal: Punish man accused of stabbing and skinning several dogs.

Four dogs were allegedly killed and skinned in a horrific case of animal cruelty. A David, Kentucky caller sent state authorities to the grotesque and disturbing scene at the home of Jonathan Watkins. Watkins seemingly brandished a hunting knife and wore blood-stained clothes as police approached. Upon questioning, he allegedly confessed that he had killed and skinned four dogs to “make myself a doggy coat.”

The disturbing incident began when police responded to a complaint by Watkins’ neighbor. The neighbor reported seeing what appeared to be animal skins hanging from Watkins’ porch. Watkins had also allegedly bragged to this neighbor that he had been skinning dogs. This claim raised the neighbor’s alarm because several neighborhood dogs had apparently gone missing.

After officers talked to Watkins at his home, the suspect reportedly admitted to stabbing the dogs through the heart. He also apparently claimed “there isn’t anything wrong with me making myself a fur coat.” This case of animal cruelty is reportedly not even Watkins’ first brush with the law. A few years ago, he was accused of shooting and killing his stepfather, but the charges were dismissed.

Sign this petition to demand the legal system do its job this time and punish an atrocious act of alleged animal cruelty.


Dear Mr. Cameron,

Several years ago, Jonathan Watkins—a man accused by eyewitnesses of repeatedly shooting and killing his stepfather—walked away from prison time because a judge deemed he “was not criminally responsible.” State legal authorities then refused to seek an involuntary hospitalization that could have at the very least kept this potentially lethal man from inflicting further harm.

Fast-forward to today, and four skinned dog carcasses were reportedly discovered on Watkins’ property….and Watkins allegedly confessed that he did indeed slaughter and then skin innocent neighborhood pets. These animals deserve justice. This time Watkins must not be let off the hook if he is indeed found to be guilty as it seems.

Please prosecute Mr. Watkins to the fullest extent of the law…for the sake of his alleged victims and for the safety of any potential future victims.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Floyd County Detention Center

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  2. Carmen Rocco says:

    This rubbish evil Born as a mistake human trash must be killed electric chair, yes he does not deserve to live, no mercy to evil like him

  3. Mort à cette ordure!!!

  4. Mort à cette ordure

  5. Lynn Swanson says:

    This okie is evil as his is dumb to think this + killing his relative is alright to do. Don’t let him get away with these sick crimes or your going to have women and children missing. Lock him up, prosecute, and put him in prison with the general population. Tell them what he did. Don’t ever release him- a future serial killer. Have no mercy.

  6. This POS does not belong in society!


  8. Really , we need to sign a petition to get a potential serial killer off the streets are JUDICIAL System has gone to hell.

  9. I am so tired of reading about the extreme animal cruelty & abuse by Americans…

  10. Nikki Halper says:

    This monstrosity is pure evil and needs to be punished severely before more innocent lives are taken. He’s a serial killer in the making so no living being is safe with him on the loose. He has to be mentally unstable because a sane person wouldn’t even think of doing this type of heinous act of cruelty let alone carry it out.

  11. Randy Kendall says:

    Wow what a sack of shit, I would personally drive to Kentucky and skin you alive, real tough guy doing that to a defenseless animal huh. Love to see this peice of shit die a very slow death.

  12. Catherine Dugan says:

    Just kill the bastard! It will save people and animals alike!

  13. Just do the same with this mofo…but 1000 times worse.

  14. Jacqui Skill says:

    This dangerous in sane monster needs to be permanently locked up !

  15. Lock this psycho up and throw away the key. Wish he could be skinned alive.

  16. Sharon Rudyk says:

    HE should be hung on his front porch, on display, and not by his feet either!!

  17. What he deserves is really unspeakable. He’s lucky it wasn’t my dog cause I would have killed his ass. NO WAY would I let this pathetic piece of crap get away with it. Why didn’t the neighbors gang up and beat him up for this?! You hurt one of my pets…you’re hurting a member of my family and I will NOT sit back and watch it happen and at the very least, I will make sure he/she pays dearly. I can only hope that one day, he suffers horribly and feels every ounce of pain he inflicted on those innocent creatures. That’s the least he deserves!!!

  18. Nadine Brundage says:

    This is one sick piece of shit who should not walk among normal people. This one needs the nearest mental institution for life, he is beyond rehabilitation. No person or animal is safe. Better yet, save money and exterminate the monster.

  19. Shirley Lemieux says:

    My God.This is a man with serious issues and he is without a doubt a serious threat to society. This was a grotesque and cruel crime. If this man does not serve a lengthy jail sentence for what he has done, then there is no hope in our Justice system.

  20. Samantha Frankham says:

    This is so very very wrong but why not the outrage for other animals that are skinned for coats and clothing…Coyotes, foxes, monks and all the other animals There should be petitions and public outcry for all of the harm humans place on animals. It’s so sad and disappointing that, as a human race we could do the world and everything in it so much good but greed and ignorance makes us evil 🙁

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